• ڇا توھان کان سنڌ سلامت جو پاسورڊ وسري ويو آھي..؟
    ھيٺ ڏنل بٽڻ تي ڪلڪ ڪري پنھنجي اي ميل واٽس ايپ ذريعي موڪليو. .انتظامي رڪن توھان جي پاسورڊ کي ري سيٽ ڪري توھان کي اطلاع موڪليندا. لک لائق..!

    واٽس ايپ ذريعي

In the Quest of Success


سينيئر رڪن
In the Quest of Success
by Faheem Akhter

We get lost when we are almost at the verge of success. We feel frantic, despair and thwarted in very minute jerks of life as if failure is ahead. In this situation we start watching antithetical part of our lives. So to understand the philosophy of success it is necessary to understand the philosophy of failure first.

Importance of Failure in life
It was a beautiful evening at the beach. Every beam of setting sun was giving a message of hope that, no matter if today sun is setting down, tomorrow it will rise again with the same strength of giving glitter and temptation to every single particle on the earth. It gives a lesson for life, and specially a lesson for those who lose their hope and courage and set down on failure. They think that they have lost everything and can never come up for what they strived hard and couldn`t achieve. And they lose their faith from life and people. At that fussy moment they become skeptical about everything and feel that it was all planned to knock them down. But they don`t know the importance of failure in life. If we think intensely and optimistically, this definitely makes a sense that, “Failure gives the reason to live to those who know that success is byproduct of it.”

Recently I had a conversation with my friend, though it was a casual chat, but the moment astonished me was when she told me without any feeling of guilt and stress about her being failed in exams. I asked her the reason of being so relaxed, while she was knocked down in approaching her bright future. She said, “I think I can do better in next attempt, it’s my destination and I’ve to get it anyhow, no matter how many times I get failed.” This reminded me the words of Richard Nixon, “We must never accept defeat, no matter how many time you get knocked down, get up, and don’t let it happen again.”

With this and so many other examples, I’ve come up to the presumption that choice is ours, we have to choose either success or failure, both lie within our subconscious, depending on what you are going to accept mentally. I would rather say that “success lies somewhere inside the failure”. We have to find it. As, well said by Paulo Coelho that, “Disappointment, defeat and despair are the tools GOD uses to show us the way.”

Role of Risks in life

We have to take risks to check how far we can go. Waiting for the right time to get an opportunity is meaningless. Create the opportunities by taking risks. If you succeeded by risking for whatever the purpose of your well being , you will go on and on, and if not, then you will at least earn experience for the future. “If you want to launch big ships you have to go where the water is deep.”

Role of Destiny in Success
if we believe in our destinies that everything and every action of our life is predetermined and inevitable then what’s the point of working hard, taking chances, getting uncomfortable and setting goals? Isn’t this just a lame excuse saying that it never happened because it was not in my destiny? It’s just an off the hook statement of lazy and fearful people to comfort them. If so, then better sit back at home have a cup of coffee with news paper, all is eventually going to happen. “We’re all just helpless passengers on destiny’s back.”

Don’t Expect
Don’t expect anything from anyone. It’s the formula for successful life. If someone could not come up to your expectations then it’s a heart breaking situation. It may create a hindrance in your way very badly and will stop you getting ahead. “Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” Benjamin Franklin.

Set your Targets
Once you’ve determined your targets, then let the fear of failure doesn’t come near to you. Identify your core values to achieve your targets and go on.

Don’t wait
Don’t waste your precious time in waiting for the right time, and thinking on the problems. Rather we have to be solution oriented than wrapping ourselves badly in the problems. We can do anything by utilizing our capabilities in right direction; just we have to believe in ourselves.

Get out of comfort

Strive hard to achieve the targets you have planned for future. Get out of the comfort because comfort makes lazy, insignificant and distracts from our orientation towards the target. There is no success without sacrifice. Once you have followed the path of success facing adversities, discomfort and hitches, and the moment when threshold of pain is crossed soul becomes strengthened, and, that is the start of getting gifts in shape of success from every direction.

The 4 C's Of Success
Never falter the path of 4 c's that is defined
Confidence, courage, courtesy and commitment
Nitin Ramnath has presented a very momentous and precise 4C`s formula of success in his poem. And it will be a splendid conclusion of this article with this 4c`s philosophy, which is going to work out for all of us who are completely or partially out of these four dynamic aspects of success.

“Success is a rare gem, neither found in deep sea, nor in mountains, it is somewhere around us.”
جواب: In the Quest of Success

ادا فهيم ۔۔۔ هي سنڌي فورم آهي مهرباني ڪري هتي سنڌي ٻولي ئي استعمال ڪندا ڪريو۔۔ براءِ مهرباني هن جو ترجمو هتي ونڊ ڪريو۔۔۔
جواب: In the Quest of Success

ادا فهيم ۔۔۔ هي سنڌي فورم آهي مهرباني ڪري هتي سنڌي ٻولي ئي استعمال ڪندا ڪريو۔۔ براءِ مهرباني هن جو ترجمو هتي ونڊ ڪريو۔۔۔

سائين بيشڪ هي سنڌي فورم آهي پر جتي هي آرٽيڪل مون شيئر ڪيو آهي اُهو شايد انگريزي سکڻ وارو حصو آهي..سو مٺا سائين هن ئي فورم جي مهربانين سان ٿوري انگريزي سکيم سو سوچيم ته ونڊي هن فورم جا ٿورا مڃجن. جيڪڏهن انتظاميا کي اعتراض آهي ته ڀلي منسوخ ڪري ڇڏين سائين،.. خوش رهو آباد رهو
جواب: In the Quest of Success

سائين بيشڪ هي سنڌي فورم آهي پر جتي هي آرٽيڪل مون شيئر ڪيو آهي اُهو شايد انگريزي سکڻ وارو حصو آهي..سو مٺا سائين هن ئي فورم جي مهربانين سان ٿوري انگريزي سکيم سو سوچيم ته ونڊي هن فورم جا ٿورا مڃجن. جيڪڏهن انتظاميا کي اعتراض آهي ته ڀلي منسوخ ڪري ڇڏين سائين،.. خوش رهو آباد رهو
ادا فهيم اوهان جي هن آرٽيڪل تي انتظاميه کي ڪو اعتراض ناهي ۔۔ سواءِ ان جي ته هن آرٽيڪل ۾ سنڌي سان لاڳاپو رکندڙ ڪا شئي نه آهي، مطلب ته توهان آرٽيڪل انگريزي ۾ پيش ته ڪيو آهي پر ان سان گڏ سنڌي ترجمو يا مفهوم به موجود هجي ته مون جهڙا ڪجهه گهٽ علم رکندڙ دوست ان مان استفادو ڪري سگهندا۔۔ اچو ته انگريزي سکون سيڪشن جو مقصد ئي اهو آهي۔۔ پوري تحرير انگريزي ۾ هوندي ته ان مان اهو مقصد حاصل نه ٿيندو جنهن لاءِ هي سيڪشن بڻايو ويو آهي۔۔ اميد ته اوهان انتظاميه جي مقرر ڪيل اصولن تحت هتي پوسٽنگ جاري رکندا۔۔ توهان جي هن تحرير کي منسوخ ڪرڻ جو اسان جو ڪو ارادو ناهي ادا۔۔۔
سنڌ سلامت
ساٿ سلامت
جواب: In the Quest of Success

ادا فهيم اوهان جي هن آرٽيڪل تي انتظاميه کي ڪو اعتراض ناهي ۔۔ سواءِ ان جي ته هن آرٽيڪل ۾ سنڌي سان لاڳاپو رکندڙ ڪا شئي نه آهي، مطلب ته توهان آرٽيڪل انگريزي ۾ پيش ته ڪيو آهي پر ان سان گڏ سنڌي ترجمو يا مفهوم به موجود هجي ته مون جهڙا ڪجهه گهٽ علم رکندڙ دوست ان مان استفادو ڪري سگهندا۔۔ اچو ته انگريزي سکون سيڪشن جو مقصد ئي اهو آهي۔۔ پوري تحرير انگريزي ۾ هوندي ته ان مان اهو مقصد حاصل نه ٿيندو جنهن لاءِ هي سيڪشن بڻايو ويو آهي۔۔ اميد ته اوهان انتظاميه جي مقرر ڪيل اصولن تحت هتي پوسٽنگ جاري رکندا۔۔ توهان جي هن تحرير کي منسوخ ڪرڻ جو اسان جو ڪو ارادو ناهي ادا۔۔۔
سنڌ سلامت
ساٿ سلامت

سائين لک لائق. پر سائين انگريزي جيسيتائين پڙهي نه وڃي تيسيتائين انجي سکڻ جو سوال ئي پيدا نه ٿو ٿئي. منهنجو خيال آهي سنڌي معاشري کي هاڻ پريزنٽ ٽينس ۽ پاسٽ ٽينس کان نڪري اڳتي وڌڻ جي ضرورت آهي. منهنجو هرگز اوهان جي دل آزاري ڪرڻ مقصد نه آهي سائين، پوء به جيڪڏهن اوهانجي ڄاڻ اڻڄاڻائي ۾ منهنجن لفظن مان ڪو ڏک رسيو هجي ته معذرت...خوش رهو آباد رهو. ساٿ سلامت،سڪ سلامت،سنڌ سلامت