Tariq Hayat Lashari
سينيئر رڪن
Hazrat Sufi Waryal Faqir Abro
Hazrat Sufi Waryal Faqir Abro, Sarwari Qadri Qalandri was born in 1838 A.D at village Dittal Abro in Larkana Sindh. His Father Hamal Khan had five sons. Allah Warayo Khan, later known to be Waryal Faqir was fortunate enough, to come in the eyes of a perfect Sarwari Qadri Master; Faqir Allah Dino Shah Posh (1811-1899) of Jhal Magsi, Baluchistan. He liked little Waryal very much, who used to sing Sufi songs of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai and Allah Dino Fair, while grazing the cattle. Allah Dino Faqir, according to the principles of sarwari Qadri order bestowed all the spiritual powers to ten years old Waryal Faqir, who later on passes next five years in complete intoxication. People of the village took him to be mad and his relatives refused to give him his fiancee in marriage. Waryal Faqir`s father Hamal Khan went to Jhal Magsi and requested the Master Allah Dino Faqir to help him. Allah Dino Faqir came to Dittal Abro and saw Waryal, playing in cattle dung. He called him and embraced tightly to transfer the gnostic knowledge.Waryal immediately came back to senses and got married with the order of his murshid, who told him to live in the world but work for the Lord. This was 1853 A.D, waryal was bestowed with a son in 1855. Waryal Faqir established his Sufi school (Maikhana) in 1958 in his village. He was at the stage of beloved so his murshid told him,"You never need to come to see me at my place in Jhal Magsi, when ever you long to see me, I will reach you in no time".
Waryal Faqir had no formal schooling yet he was great poet and scholar of Quran and Hadith also. All this was given to him by his murshid and divine illuminations created light in his heart to study the book of nature. He was allowed to accept the seekers but he remained very choosy in initiating the seekers. He was of the opinion that Tasawwuf/Faqr is not pursuit of common people, it needs lot of courage, purity, commitment and sincerity to go on the path. Two of his noted disciples and Khalifas were Syed Qalander Shah Gillani (d.1922) and Faqir Ghulam Qadir Gul Abro (d.1945), latter being his son-in-law also.
He used to spend his most of the time at his place and never undertook long journeys. He performed his daily course himself and cultivated the lands.He endeared the seekers more than his own children. He married twice in his life and had six sons and six daughters. He was fond of Sufi Samma and used to sing himself also.
He died on 10th November 1918 and was buried at his place. A magnificent dome has been erected over his grave and his annual urs is being celebrated on 8 and 9 november at his shrine in village Dittal Abro tehsil Kamber, Larkano Sindh
Some Selected verses of Hazrat Sufi Waryal Faqir Abro
جي ڀائين جوڳي ٿيان، ڀڃ هئڻ هستيءَ هيرَ
پير مغان جي پِڙ ۾، کڻ پرت منجهاروُن پيرَ
وريل وڍي سڀ ويرَ، طالب ٿي توحيد جو
If you want to be yogi, break the bond of being
Always deal with love, in courtyard of Master
Waryal expel all enmity, be a seeker of oneness
ڪانگلُ قريبن ڏي، مُنجڻ آهه ميار
پورهيت جي پاڻ ڌڻي، ساجن لهندو سار
وِٿ نه وجهندو وار، وريل گوهر ڏَهون گوليءَ کي
It is fault to send messenger to beloved
Sweetheart would take care of his servant on his own
Waryal, he will not keep his servant, at the arm's length
ڪانگلُ قريبن ڏي، مُنجڻ آهه ميار
وڍي سِر وريل چئي، ڪجي ڌڙ سسيءَ کان ڌار
لٿي سڀ ميار، وريل مٿئون وِرهه جي
It is fault to send the letter to beloved
Head must be cut apart from the body
It washed away from waryal, all the blames of separation
ڪانگل قريبن کي، حال چئجانءِ هيئن
هڪ وڇوڙي ويران ڪيو، ٻيو نانگي ڪئي آنينهن
مرجان موڪ وسي مينهن، وريل مٿان وِرهه جو
O crow! Do tell the sweetheart, like this
I've been ruined by separation and exposed by love
Rain of separation may flood the Waryal always
ڪانگل منهنجي پِرکي، تون حال چئج هاڻي
ڪڏهن ايندين سپرين، هن ڀوريءَ جي ڀاڻي
ساهه ته منهنجو سڄڻا، توڏي ٿو تاڻي
ٿيا ورهَه وڪاڻي، تنهنجي وِرهه ۾ وريل کي
O crow! Go and ask my beloved, instantly
When'll you visit o darling? Abode of this artless
My soul is continuously yearning for you
Waryal has been sold in your love, years ago
جيءَ به تنهنجي جيءُ، پر وڏو ڦوٽ فرق ڪيو
منهنجي مداين جو، لٿو سڀوئي سيءَ
پڪون اچي پيءُ، وريل وٽيون وِره وصال جون
What a good did your positive response, but indifference also affected a lot
Gone was the shivering, of all my sins
Come o Waryal! To drink blessed draughts of union and separation
پٽ نه ڄايو پيءُ کي، پيءُ نه ڄڻيو پُٽ
وريل منجھي پيو سُٽ، سالڪن کڻي صبر ڪيو
Neither son was born to father, nor father begot the son
Cotton thread became too entangled The mystics kept quite
مري جي ماڻينديون، اهي موٽي ڪين مرن
جيڪي چڙهيون ڏاگھ ڏکن جي، سي وريل ڪين ورن
جي اهڙي ڏوهه ڏرن، مرڻ تني تان معاف ٿيو
Who die to ecstasy, will never die again
Those put on gallows of grief, never Come back
Those, who dread this sin, are exempted from death
ڏک ڏهڳڙي جيڏيون، اٿم سوڍل جو سهاڳ
هڪ مرڻ، ٻيو ماٺ ڪرڻ، ڀينر ڀلو ڀاڳ
عشق اجھل اجھاڳ، جي مرنديون سي ماڻينديون
Friends! Grief is misfortune, I am fortunate to have company of sweetheart
One death other silence, is sign of good luck
Love; uncontrollable and unfathomable, is enjoyed by those, who die
نامرادي نسري، پَئي آڳالھ پڌر
نه نفي نه اثبات، نه هيءَ نه هوءَ ڀَر
ڳالھ نه ڪنهن سان ڪر، وريل رَهه وصال ۾
Despondency sprouted, all became clear
Neither negation nor affirmation, nor this side not that
Do not share with any one, Waryal! Dwell in union
نامرادي نسري، ويوهُئڻ سڀ حجاب
وريل ويو اتاهين، جتي ڏوهه نه ڪو ثواب
هر دم حج طواف، پيهي ڪيائين پاڻ ۾
Despondency sprouted, veil of ego vanished
Waryal went there, where is neither sin nor virtue
Performed Hajj and circumambulation
By going within his own being
صوفي سير لنگهي ويا، پي سڪ سندي سُرڪي
مرد انهيءَ ميدان ۾، ايندا مٽ مٿي مُرڪي
وريل ڪڏهن نه ڪرڪي، آيا مرد ميدان ۾
Having taken draughts of eagerness
Sufis crossed over the course
Brave will come in this tavern, smiling
Waryal, they never set the foot grumbling
صوفي سڏائين ته ڪمينو ڪوٺاءِ
جتي ماڳ مُٺن جو، ڪؤنتل اُت ڪڏاءِ
وساري وريل کي، ساڳي سر سڏاءِ
ڇڏي عقل جي جاءِ، وڃي گذارج گرنار ۾
If you introduce you as Sufi, call yourself ignoble
Make your horse jump, at the place of woebegone
Forgetting Waryal, call yourself as His being
Quitting abode of intellect, go to live in Girnar
سانول ساري سک کي، متان ڏک به وسارين
وريل چئي وصل جي واڳ کڻي وارين
جي پر چڱي پاڙين، ته سڃاپين صوفين ۾
While remembering the luxury, do not forget grief
Waryal says, you have to die too
If you behave beautifully, will be counted among Sufis
پَسي ڌوپو ڌُپ جو، متان ڌوپ ڌوئين
مرين ته ميرن ۾، ٿي اڇو عيب ائين
متان راوَ رڙين، سانول ساري سک کي
Being cheated by signs of sunshine, wash not the dress
Die among dirty ones; it will wipe your faults
Do not weep, by remembering the luxuries
سوليءَ واري سيج کان، متان مرد مُڙين
وڍي سِر وريل چئي، ڌڙ کان ڌار ڌرين
متان ڳالھ ڳڻين، عقل جي عادت جي
Do not bend form gallows the comfort's scat
Cut your head, keep apart of body, Waryal says
Never lend ears to advice of the intellect
سوريءَ واري سيج تان، مدا ڪين مڙيوس
لاهي لاڳاپا لوڪ جا، پڌر آءُ پيوس
ساڳي سِر ٿيوس، جُز نه رهي جنگ کئون
From gallows the comfort's scat, I never bend
Abandoning all worldly connections, Exposed was I completely
I became same Being, no part of mine spared of the war
دوزخ جي دڙي تي، بيهي چيم بانگ
حرف پڙهيم حق جو، ٻي تن ڇڏيم تانگهه
سڀ وساري سانگ، وريل رهيو وصال ۾
I called for prayer, from the mound of hell
Read the word of truth, shunned care of body
Forgetting all engagements, Waryal remained in union
ماٺ مٺائيءَ کان مٺي، جيئن ماکي ۽ مصري
محبت جي ميدان ۾، نانگو ٿي نسري
وريل وڍ سِري، ته مزو ماڻين ماٺ جو
Silence is sweeter than sweetmeat, like honey and sugar candy
Be mature in love to be exposed completely
Waryal behead yourself, to enjoy pleasure of Silence
چُٽن ٿا چؤگان ۾، بانڪا بيپرواهه
ٻين به چڱا چُٽيا، پر وريل چُٽيا واهه
اتي جڙيس جاءِ، جتي منصور ڏسي ماٺ ڪئي
Hit the targets in plain, the fearless valiant
Others also hit a lot, but Waryal did excellent
He occupied the stage, where seeing him Mansoor kept quite
“الله هُو” اندر ۾، ڄمندي ئي ڄامَ
وڍي سِر وريل چئي، سسيون ڏين سلطان
نينهن سندا نيشان، چُٽن ٿا چؤگان ۾
"He is Allah" is pulsating in them, they are perfect by birth
Waryal, kings cut and offer their heads happily
Targets of love, they hit in the plain
امر جني تي عشق جو، برهه چڙهيو باري
بيحد بره بقاءَ جي، سڌ تني ساري
وريل رهن وصال ۾، اُهي خاوند خُماري
ڪُلهي ڪٽاري، هردم هاديءَ هوت جي
Those, who acceded to the orders of majestic love
They know all about unfathomable everlasting Love
Waryal in union, dwell these intoxicated ones
They shoulder the sword of beloved Master, always
ڪاتيون ڪُهن سڀ کي، ڪاتين ڪُهي ڪيرُ
وريل ڪڍي ڇڏ ويرُ، ته ڪاتيون پاڻ ڪُسي پون
Knives cut everything, who may cut the knives
Waryal expel enmity, knives `II be cut themselves
نڪي پڙهيم پاڻ، نه ڪنهن پڙهيي پڙهايو
الست بربکم، قالوبلى، ٿيو رباني رايو
ننگي نالو نينهن ۾، مون وريل سڏايو
سدائين سعيو، اٿم سوليءَ جي سرانجام جو
Neither read myself, not a learned one taught
"Am I not thy Lord?" Said, "Yes" a divine thought
In love, called myself with honored name; Waryal
Always strive to be hanged on gallows