• ڇا توھان کان سنڌ سلامت جو پاسورڊ وسري ويو آھي..؟
    ھيٺ ڏنل بٽڻ تي ڪلڪ ڪري پنھنجي اي ميل واٽس ايپ ذريعي موڪليو. .انتظامي رڪن توھان جي پاسورڊ کي ري سيٽ ڪري توھان کي اطلاع موڪليندا. لک لائق..!

    واٽس ايپ ذريعي

ليپ ٽاپ لا۽ هڪ بيٽري کان 2 بيٽريون ڪيو ورڪنگ سوفٽ ويئر


سينيئر رڪن
Laptop Battery Doubler V1.2_ Full Edition 2009
اسلام اليڪم دوستو توهان وٽ اگر ليپ ٽاپ آهي ۽ لائيٽ هلي وڃي پاڪستان ۾ توهان وٽ هڪ بيٽري آهي جيڪي توهان سان ڪافي وقت ڪونه ٿي گذاري

ته توهان لا۽ 2 بيٽري جو هڪ سوفٽويئر پيش ڪيان پيو جيڪو توهان اڃ تائين ڪونه ٻڌو هوندو

نالو آهي Laptop Battery Doubler V1.2_ Full Edition 2009


Battery Doubler can double your battery's autonomy with little to no concessions. Install Battery Doubler, unplug AC power and experience total laptop freedom!

# Double your autonomy
Before, your only solution to have a decent battery for your laptop was to buy an extra one. Now, there's a lighter, more efficient, and cheaper alternative: Battery Doubler! Because it doesn't use standard techniques (dim screen light, etc.), but finds out what to turns off what isn't needed, such as, for example, the USB ports, you can get up to twice autonomy without sacrifice comfort.

# Decrease recharge time
Your battery recharges much faster if your computer isn't turned on. That's a fact. Let Battery Doubler redefine a few computer facts - with its Turbo Charge technology, increase up to 10% battery recharge speed when your computer is turned on.

# Recalibrate damaged batteries
After using your battery a lot without paying attention to discharge and recharge it fully every time, its performance becomes very low. With Battery Doubler, simply run the recalibration wizard that does the entire job for you - automatically!

# Easy to use
From the configuration window to the battery status indicator, features, Battery Doubler excels at ease-of use. Our interface fully respects Microsoft's guidelines and is very intuitive. Because you don't always want to read a 300-pages manual before using a software, you will understand how to use Battery Doubler in no time.

# And much more
Battery Doubler features other great functions, such as telling you in hours:minutes your battery's autonomy! It is impossible to list all of Battery Doubler's functions on a single webpage, so why don't you download it and find out how much better your laptop is with it?







هاٽفائيل تان ڊائونلوڊ ڪيو
سائين جهانداد پيارا تمام بهترين سافٽويئر شيئر ڪرڻ تي اوهان جا لک ٿورا اهڙو سافٽوئير شايد اڳ سائين عبدالوحيد جن به شيئر ڪيو هو پر اهو به صحيح ڊائون لوڊ نه پئي ٿيو ليڪن اوهان وارو لنڪ صحيح آهي سائين عبدالغني وٽ خبر نه آهي لنڪ ڇو نه ٿو کلي وري ٽراء ڪري ڏسن شايد لنڪ بزي هئڻ ڪري نه کليو هجي۔
ادا عبدالغني لنڪ ورڪنگ آهي ۽ ادا رحيم بخش صحيح پيان چئون لنڪ هلي رهي آهي توهان وٽ ڪهڙو نيٽ ڪيبل آهي ؟
جواب: ليپ ٽاپ لا۽ هڪ بيٽري کان 2 بيٽريون ڪيو ورڪنگ سوفٽ ويئر

ادا توهان غني توهان هِن سائيٽ کي Proxy تي اوپين ڪجو ڪابه سائيٽ توهان لائي اگر Ban يا Block آهي ته Proxy گوگل تان هٿ ڪري هي سائيٽ اوپين ڪجو