ڊاڪٽر صفدر سرڪي بي بي سي تي

'حالاتِ حاضره' فورم ۾ عاشق سولنگي طرفان آندل موضوعَ ‏31 مئي 2010۔

  1. عاشق سولنگي

    عاشق سولنگي
    سينيئر رڪن

    ‏20 مئي 2010
    ورتل پسنديدگيون:
    ايوارڊ جون پوائينٽون:
    ًپاڪ نيوي
    شڪارپور/ مدئجي
    Dr. Safdar Sarki, (Urdu: صفدر سرکی ) (born December 25, 1965) a Pakistani-American physician and American citizen, is a former chair of the World Sindhi Congress and Secretary General of the Jeay Sindh Quami Mahaz, an activist in the Sindhi nationalist movement, and a former detainee of the Pakistani government. As one of the many disappeared during the period of Gen. Pervez Musharraf's rule, the campaign to "find" him and get him released included prominent human rights organizations, including Amnesty International[1], and the Asian Human Rights Commission calling for his release, while the New York Times and other news organizations reported that his health was in jeopardy because the Pakistani government refused to allow him necessary medical attention.

    On International Human Rights Day (December 10) in 2006, after his abduction, Sarki was awarded the annual Human Rights Community Award by the Washington, D.C.-based United Nations Association of the National Capital Area (UNA-NCA). The organization cited Sarki's leadership of the Jeay Sindh Quami Mahaz, a secular political party advocating for the Sindhi population.
    He was released on May 2nd, 2008, after the Supreme Court of Pakistan ordered the heads of Pakistan's Military Intelligence and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to produce him or appear in court personally.

    Long Live Sindudesh
    Dr Safdar Sarki on BBC Urdu Clip 01
  2. نثارابڙو

    نائب منتظم

    ‏21 اپريل 2009
    ورتل پسنديدگيون:
    ايوارڊ جون پوائينٽون:
    انتظامي امور
    مڪو پاڪ
    جواب: ڊاڪٽر صفدر سرڪي بي بي سي تي

    ادا عاشق؛ تمام سٺي ڳالهه ٻولهه آهي ۽ هن کان اڳ به شايد هن ئي اڱڻ تي ٻڌل آهي ۔۔۔ وري به اوهانجي مهرباني جو اوهان ونڊ ڪئي ۔۔۔ مهرباني ڪري هي فورم گهمي ڏسو، اوهانکي ڪافي ساريون سٺيون شيون ملنديون ۽ جي پسند اچن ته پنهنجا رايا لکجو۔ ٻي ڳالهه ته ڪوبه انگريزيءَ جو ليک هجي ته انکي سنڌيءَ ۾ لکڻ جي يا ترجمي ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش ڪريو ان سان اوهانجي انگلش ۽ سنڌي ٻئي ٻوليون سٺيون ٿينديون ۔۔۔ ۽ اسانکي به مواد سنڌيءَ ۾ ملندو ۔۔۔
    لک ٿورا

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