نائب منتظم
دوستو! منهنجو ڀاڻيجو اسرار ابڙو اڄڪلهه هڪ آرگنائزيشن جنهن جو مّخفف آهي TREE ذريعي ٻوڏ متاثرين جي مدد ۾ ڪم ڪري رهيو آهي، مون به کيس ڪجهه مدد ڪئي آهي ۽ اسرار احمد ابڙي خاص عرض ڪيو آهي ته هن فورم تي آءُ سندس جي پاران سنڌ واسين کي اپيل ڪريان ۔۔۔ ته ڪهڙي به قسم جي مدد جنهن ۾ کاڌ خوراڪ جو سامان، لٽن ڪپڙن يا دوائن جي صورت ۾ يا وري روڪ ڏوڪڙن جي صورت ۾ ڪري سگهن ته امانت سمجهي حقدارن تائين پهتي ڪئي ويندي ۔۔۔
حاضر آهي ان تنظيم جو خاڪو ۽ تصوير ۔۔۔۔ جي ڪنهن دوست کي مناسب لڳي ته جي بسم الله ۔۔۔

The Resource Enhancement for Empowerment Welfare Organization (TREE)
Support Humanity: Appeal for Flood Affected People in Pakistan
We are deeply concerned about the devastation caused by the recent flooding in Pakistan especially in Sindh and wanted to share ways in which you can help support response efforts in this grave and urgent situation.
Pakistan has been affected by the worst floods in living memory. According to the estimates of United Nation and CNN 20 million people - 6 million of them are children - have been affected and displaced by the floods in Pakistan, 6 million of these require immediate help. Millions of children are at high risk of deadly diseases. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) the floods have severely affected all of the provinces of the country and the magnitude of the devastation dwarfs other recent natural disasters. The millions who have been displaced were living at or below the poverty line and whatever little possessions and assets they had have been washed away, and their crops destroyed by the flood. The public infrastructures in the region - including access roads and bridges - have been badly damaged or have collapsed. Sindh Province is the most affected area where 19 out of 22 districts are affected. The Sindh government has announced to shift people in Karachi and Hyderabad for emergency relief, however, the proper camps and other necessary facilities are lacking. The worst situation is, these people have nothing in hand with them; all of their assets have been destroyed.
There is a desperate need for temporary shelter, clean drinking water, food items and medical care to avert a public health catastrophe. People also need basic goods and cloths especially children’s cloths.
The Resource Enhancement for Empowerment Welfare Organization is a registered NGO (Registration no. DSW(2387)-K) working in Sindh since 2007, has started providing medical care, food items and cloths to these displaced families in Karachi on self help basis (see photos attached). At present we are trying our level best to provide necessary support to our people. In this mission we need your support to help these affected people.
We need your support in kind of food items, clothes especially for children, medicines, household goods or you can also deposit your donations in cash or through cheque or bank transfer:
Account Title: The Resource Enhancement for Empowerment Welfare Organization
Bank Al Habib Clifton Branch, Karachi, Pakistan
Account No: 1019-0081-008185-01-6
If you have any queries please feel free to contact Mr. Anwar Soomro mobile no. 009203219229787 & Mr. Israr Ahmad Abro mobile no. 00923212317123, Mr. Muhammad Babar Ali 00923009219132 treewelfareorganization@yahoo.com.
16-C, 3rd floor, 26th street, Tauheed Commercial Area, Phase V, DHA, Karachi.
Tel: 021-32071822, 00923219229787 Email: treewelfareorganization@yahoo.com
email: treeorganization@gmail.com
حاضر آهي ان تنظيم جو خاڪو ۽ تصوير ۔۔۔۔ جي ڪنهن دوست کي مناسب لڳي ته جي بسم الله ۔۔۔

The Resource Enhancement for Empowerment Welfare Organization (TREE)
Support Humanity: Appeal for Flood Affected People in Pakistan
We are deeply concerned about the devastation caused by the recent flooding in Pakistan especially in Sindh and wanted to share ways in which you can help support response efforts in this grave and urgent situation.
Pakistan has been affected by the worst floods in living memory. According to the estimates of United Nation and CNN 20 million people - 6 million of them are children - have been affected and displaced by the floods in Pakistan, 6 million of these require immediate help. Millions of children are at high risk of deadly diseases. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) the floods have severely affected all of the provinces of the country and the magnitude of the devastation dwarfs other recent natural disasters. The millions who have been displaced were living at or below the poverty line and whatever little possessions and assets they had have been washed away, and their crops destroyed by the flood. The public infrastructures in the region - including access roads and bridges - have been badly damaged or have collapsed. Sindh Province is the most affected area where 19 out of 22 districts are affected. The Sindh government has announced to shift people in Karachi and Hyderabad for emergency relief, however, the proper camps and other necessary facilities are lacking. The worst situation is, these people have nothing in hand with them; all of their assets have been destroyed.
There is a desperate need for temporary shelter, clean drinking water, food items and medical care to avert a public health catastrophe. People also need basic goods and cloths especially children’s cloths.
The Resource Enhancement for Empowerment Welfare Organization is a registered NGO (Registration no. DSW(2387)-K) working in Sindh since 2007, has started providing medical care, food items and cloths to these displaced families in Karachi on self help basis (see photos attached). At present we are trying our level best to provide necessary support to our people. In this mission we need your support to help these affected people.
We need your support in kind of food items, clothes especially for children, medicines, household goods or you can also deposit your donations in cash or through cheque or bank transfer:
Account Title: The Resource Enhancement for Empowerment Welfare Organization
Bank Al Habib Clifton Branch, Karachi, Pakistan
Account No: 1019-0081-008185-01-6
If you have any queries please feel free to contact Mr. Anwar Soomro mobile no. 009203219229787 & Mr. Israr Ahmad Abro mobile no. 00923212317123, Mr. Muhammad Babar Ali 00923009219132 treewelfareorganization@yahoo.com.
16-C, 3rd floor, 26th street, Tauheed Commercial Area, Phase V, DHA, Karachi.
Tel: 021-32071822, 00923219229787 Email: treewelfareorganization@yahoo.com
email: treeorganization@gmail.com