• ڇا توھان کان سنڌ سلامت جو پاسورڊ وسري ويو آھي..؟
    ھيٺ ڏنل بٽڻ تي ڪلڪ ڪري پنھنجي اي ميل واٽس ايپ ذريعي موڪليو. .انتظامي رڪن توھان جي پاسورڊ کي ري سيٽ ڪري توھان کي اطلاع موڪليندا. لک لائق..!

    واٽس ايپ ذريعي

ڀيڻ بينظير جي ياد ۾


نائب منتظم
Extracts from a Poem by: Shaheed Benazir Bhutto.

I am nearer home than my heart’s beat
I wonder: when will I be free
To return to Larkana
From dust to dust
Loved ones return
Taking me to where I belong
Although the tyrants do not care
Strands of white my hair now shows
All on starving backs of people robbed
The sweet lands lie parched
For water people pray
The crops perish
The cattle die
The stoves grow cold
As labour is sent home
One day the tyrants will depart
Public opinion will set us free
There will be dancing in the streets,
Music and song
Laughter will fill the air
As people rejoice in their destiny
Larkana, Loved-one, I remember
The sweet scent of roses
Of fresh rain on desert sand
Of trees washed by nature’s hand
Much dearer do I hold
Marvi’s ancestral shawl
Symbol of our Treasure
From Marvi I learnt
From past mystic saints
From my dear brother Shah I learnt
That handsome youth who fought another tyrant
Were I to breathe my last, living
Away from the home I loved
My body won’t imprison me.
Shah returned home while his soul went free
No stranger to the soil
Embracing his body in death
I raise both my hands
And ask my children
To raise their little hands
Marvi, of Maru and Malir,
In the mists of time
She raised her hands
While the world slept
To God
Full of hope
Praying to see her homeland

As history’s pendulum swung
The desert wind calls
Marvi calls
A timeless call
A call
The desert wind carries.
Children: Hear the desert wind
Hear it whisper
Have faith
We will win.

Extracts from a Poem by: Shaheed Benazir Bhutto.

I am nearer home than my heart’s beat
I wonder: when will I be free
To return to Larkana
From dust to dust
Loved ones return
Taking me to where I belong
Although the tyrants do not care
Strands of white my hair now shows
All on starving backs of people robbed
The sweet lands lie parched
For water people pray
The crops perish
The cattle die
The stoves grow cold
As labour is sent home
One day the tyrants will depart
Public opinion will set us free
There will be dancing in the streets,
Music and song
Laughter will fill the air
As people rejoice in their destiny
Larkana, Loved-one, I remember
The sweet scent of roses
Of fresh rain on desert sand
Of trees washed by nature’s hand
Much dearer do I hold
Marvi’s ancestral shawl
Symbol of our Treasure
From Marvi I learnt
From past mystic saints
From my dear brother Shah I learnt
That handsome youth who fought another tyrant
Were I to breathe my last, living
Away from the home I loved
My body won’t imprison me.
Shah returned home while his soul went free
No stranger to the soil
Embracing his body in death
I raise both my hands
And ask my children
To raise their little hands
Marvi, of Maru and Malir,
In the mists of time
She raised her hands
While the world slept
To God
Full of hope
Praying to see her homeland

As history’s pendulum swung
The desert wind calls
Marvi calls
A timeless call
A call
The desert wind carries.
Children: Hear the desert wind
Hear it whisper
Have faith
We will win.
ادا نثار ابڙا: سڀ چون پيا شهزاديءَ کي خُدا حافظ، مان ڀي چئي ٿو ڇڏيان ”شهزاديءَ کي خُدا حافظ“ پر دوست جيڪو توهان انگلش ۾ توهان مواد تحرير ڪيو آهي اُن جو بس ترجمون ئي لکي ڇڏين ها۔ اسان هوئن ئي موڳا مٽر آهيون انگلش جِي ارڏائِي ڪري انگلش سان تمام گهٽ لهه وچڙ رهِي آهي۔ سو سمجهي ڪونه سگهياسين۔ توهان جي انگلش تمام بهترين آهي ، توهان جون ڪافي ساريون پوسٽون پڙهيون اٿم جيڪي توهان جا بهترين ترجما هُيا۔ هن انگلش نظم گُڊ بائي شهزادي جو سليس سنڌي ترجمون ڪري موڪليو ها ته اسان جهڙا ڪافي سارا دوست سمجهي سگهن ها۔ خير ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ I am realy unable to understand single para of this poem
so please translate this poem in sindhi for whole sindhi nation .
بس ايترو ئي انگريزيءَ جِي ٽنگ ڀڳي اٿم وڌيڪ بقول توهان جي سمجهو آهيو۔
الله پاڪ محترمه کي جنت فردوس ۾ جڳهه عطا فرمائي


ثم آمين فقير سائين
ادا نثار ابڙا: سڀ چون پيا شهزاديءَ کي خُدا حافظ، مان ڀي چئي ٿو ڇڏيان ”شهزاديءَ کي خُدا حافظ“ پر دوست جيڪو توهان انگلش ۾ توهان مواد تحرير ڪيو آهي اُن جو بس ترجمون ئي لکي ڇڏين ها۔ اسان هوئن ئي موڳا مٽر آهيون انگلش جِي ارڏائِي ڪري انگلش سان تمام گهٽ لهه وچڙ رهِي آهي۔ سو سمجهي ڪونه سگهياسين۔ توهان جي انگلش تمام بهترين آهي ، توهان جون ڪافي ساريون پوسٽون پڙهيون اٿم جيڪي توهان جا بهترين ترجما هُيا۔ هن انگلش نظم گُڊ بائي شهزادي جو سليس سنڌي ترجمون ڪري موڪليو ها ته اسان جهڙا ڪافي سارا دوست سمجهي سگهن ها۔ خير ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ I am realy unable to understand single para of this poem
so please translate this poem in sindhi for whole sindhi nation .
بس ايترو ئي انگريزيءَ جِي ٽنگ ڀڳي اٿم وڌيڪ بقول توهان جي سمجهو آهيو۔

واهه سائين واهه اهڙي انگريزي لکي اٿئو جو هر ڪوئي سمجهي سگهي، ۽ توهان چئو ٿا ته انگريزي جي ٽنگ ڀڳي اٿم۔
سائين suhnan saan khil sahi sindhsalamatsaathsalshal judy hujeen