Sindhi Media
سينيئر رڪن
3 years more to go, almost we are over the edge of the year 2012, question which rises in the minds of millions what exactly will happen? if you search on the youtube, google, yahoo, msn and other search engine you will find so many links, most of them saying “The End Of The World “, which fairly I want to clear, It won’t be the end of the world. If you just read and understand the natural procedure
of the universe that after 67000 years poles shift “North Pole and South pole” from one position to another which is natural procedure since the earth was formed.
Earth is rotating constantly and we all are aware of seasons and also of time day time and night time. it is very simple to understand that in every 1440 minutes ( 24 Hours ) earth rotates 360 degree around the sun, which can be seen as dawn ,
morning, afternoon , evening and the night, earth is moving on suddenspeed measured approx. 980km per hour, right now what we are clarifying here has nothing to do with climate change and effects of the o zone layers, so for a while keep it aside and try to understand what actually is happening. The Earth rotation is slowing down not since now but over the years, which is causing so many natural disasters, ( Floods, Quake , Volcano Eruption, Tsunami, unexpected
rainfalls, etc,) this unique planet has it’s own way of life and cure “Self recovering” but this planet is being tortured by people to make life easier and comfortable, industries throw toxic gases which damages the layers, most of the things you buy has written behind “O ZONE FRIENDLY” or O Zone Free, such as :- Perfumes and Body sprays etc. well O Zone Is entire another chapter for now lets focus on what
exactly is happening and will happen on 21st December 2012.
Scientist been experimenting on each and everything to know what It is, sometimes they find action and reaction without causing any damage and in a same way sometimes causing damage to the natural procedure, in 1955 one of the scientist given lecture to warn about global warming on that time he was seen as stupid, today it’s a fact. As the temperature is rising here on earth, it is melting the ice turning it into water, specially the glaciers, as they are melting turning into
water adding more water into the oceans and seas, the level of water is rising, the natural wind generator water turns into tides and when twist of wind occurs we have witnessed Tsunami, there is curtain level of temperature human , animals and every living creature can survive in, if it drops below or rise up than the level, this form of life will not be able to survive as properly, natural has made everything accordingly and the finniest calculated universe we have. It was also
scientist to warn about Global Warming which still people are not aware of, why summer is getting more hot due to solar flares are occurring more than ever before in the sun which is causing heat layer damaging layers of the earth that’s why rainfalls unexpectedly, quakes, floods, etc. it all consist of the behavior of the nature in a way you can say automatically set and assigned to reproduce and
reform of living things.
So many theories by so many people, scientist, even include aliens in it? Yet I don’t believe in such thing as an alien since I haven’t seen in real nor experienced any of their art work, like crop dusting specially in United States mostly, to me I say aliens are Advance weaponry system, since scientist are experimenting how far has they reached hardly few people in this world knowing it, but my theory is
very different about it which I will share later as the future is in the past, if you can get a little idea by this future is in the past, than aliens will makes logic to you as defensive force which is highly advance than human’s and has anti gravity facility, anyways back 2012.
Mayan calendar is ending on this date, Chinese calendar also completing on the same date, but Christian Roman / Islamic Hirji / Shamsi are continuing. Mayan civilization was way back 25000 Years even more ( check on wikipedia for details ) they disappeared, none of that civilization found that’s strange. But since Mexico has this wonder which is famous as the first wonder of the world, it is the
prophecy which has been acknowledge by scientist , politicians , religious leaders and common people, the end of the Mayan calendar will occur in simple words which will Reset to zero “ 000000 “ and again this calculation of time will start like before, who was there to witness at first place when it happened or next time or after it, Religious reference In Holy Books Torah , Bible and Quran it can be found that the earth was entirely demolished and again God gave a chance to reform life on earth, myself personally I went through Holy Quran first by taking the references of verses as 2:012 / 20:12 ( Chapter and than verse ) first about the year I was self exploring and what I found I am sharing with you all here,
002.011 When it is said to them: “Make not mischief on the earth,” they say: “Why, we only want to make peace!” 002.012 Of a surety, they are the ones who make mischief, but they realise (it) not. 020.012 “Verily I am thy Lord! therefore (in My presence) put off thy shoes: thou art in the sacred valley Tuwa.
Next I went about the date and more 21:12 ( GMT way ) , this is what
I found 021.011 How many were the populations We utterly destroyed because of
their iniquities, setting up in their places other peoples? 021.012 Yet, when they felt Our Punishment (coming), behold, they (tried to) flee from it. After this I went on the GMT – 11:11 am the time it will occur as I been through this entire thing, I found this 011.011 Not so do those who show patience and constancy, and work
righteousness; for them is forgiveness (of sins) and a great reward.
I was curious to know at the same time what Islamic calendar and what Holy Quran has quoted, 1434 / 1435 014.034 And He giveth you of all that ye ask for. But if ye count the favours of God, never will ye be able to number them. Verily, man is given up to injustice and ingratitude. 014.035 Remember Abraham said: “O my Lord! Make this city one of peace and security: and preserve me and my sons from worshipping idols. These are the statement from The Holy Quran, which in a way referencing refers to the time it will occur.
I was pretty shocked, well believe it or not to understand it you have to know previous verses and than 3 to 4 after on which 20:12 as Islamic 14:34. It’s all logical and mind spinning I guess to many it did not unfolded anything but to me it did. That I see the continuation of life and it is not the end of the world. As far I understand that pole shifting and melting of glaciers rising of the water will bring natural disasters since winds will blow is unexpected direction and slowing the rotation is affecting all this to happen in last decades, we have witnessed many natural disasters. If 21st December 2012 is the way when run sun will rise from the west and will stay on for 24 hours almost like 2 days because earth will stop
its rotation until the poles are shift now it isn’t easy to explain but if such thing occurred in next exactly after 3 years than cities which are next to the seaside , lands which has volcano’s inside, earth plates deep inside which causes quakes will be struck to find new position, by the measurement of scientists north pole will be on United states and Canada along with Mexico and South Pole will be
south Asia “ India , Himalaya , China. Sounds fiction but if the natural procedure is this way than what can I say. Most of the cities even countries will be under water and the effect of pole change will also change the weather suddenly so expected rainfall which I cannot even imagine. Mankind has survived before too and it will survive but how much and how is still a question? What if this massive
destruction some how triggered nuclear arms than? These questions people should ask their country leaders instead of self exploring since we all are
paying taxes and they are experimenting with our money. Is it true
that it will occur and what is the solution to make the mankind
This is no War on terror but nature is friendly as well as terrifying against all odds, already we are facing so many problems which just seems like never ending story, is it the answer of all by the nature? I watch few movies thou they are not completely making you understand due to duration and other odd reasons “but watch for 2012 we were warned, 2012 doomsday and the knowing. They have shown destruction andleast cleared a little logic if it is going to be this way than how it would be. Rest who am I to challenge God in the ways of the world.
of the universe that after 67000 years poles shift “North Pole and South pole” from one position to another which is natural procedure since the earth was formed.
Earth is rotating constantly and we all are aware of seasons and also of time day time and night time. it is very simple to understand that in every 1440 minutes ( 24 Hours ) earth rotates 360 degree around the sun, which can be seen as dawn ,
morning, afternoon , evening and the night, earth is moving on suddenspeed measured approx. 980km per hour, right now what we are clarifying here has nothing to do with climate change and effects of the o zone layers, so for a while keep it aside and try to understand what actually is happening. The Earth rotation is slowing down not since now but over the years, which is causing so many natural disasters, ( Floods, Quake , Volcano Eruption, Tsunami, unexpected
rainfalls, etc,) this unique planet has it’s own way of life and cure “Self recovering” but this planet is being tortured by people to make life easier and comfortable, industries throw toxic gases which damages the layers, most of the things you buy has written behind “O ZONE FRIENDLY” or O Zone Free, such as :- Perfumes and Body sprays etc. well O Zone Is entire another chapter for now lets focus on what
exactly is happening and will happen on 21st December 2012.
Scientist been experimenting on each and everything to know what It is, sometimes they find action and reaction without causing any damage and in a same way sometimes causing damage to the natural procedure, in 1955 one of the scientist given lecture to warn about global warming on that time he was seen as stupid, today it’s a fact. As the temperature is rising here on earth, it is melting the ice turning it into water, specially the glaciers, as they are melting turning into
water adding more water into the oceans and seas, the level of water is rising, the natural wind generator water turns into tides and when twist of wind occurs we have witnessed Tsunami, there is curtain level of temperature human , animals and every living creature can survive in, if it drops below or rise up than the level, this form of life will not be able to survive as properly, natural has made everything accordingly and the finniest calculated universe we have. It was also
scientist to warn about Global Warming which still people are not aware of, why summer is getting more hot due to solar flares are occurring more than ever before in the sun which is causing heat layer damaging layers of the earth that’s why rainfalls unexpectedly, quakes, floods, etc. it all consist of the behavior of the nature in a way you can say automatically set and assigned to reproduce and
reform of living things.
So many theories by so many people, scientist, even include aliens in it? Yet I don’t believe in such thing as an alien since I haven’t seen in real nor experienced any of their art work, like crop dusting specially in United States mostly, to me I say aliens are Advance weaponry system, since scientist are experimenting how far has they reached hardly few people in this world knowing it, but my theory is
very different about it which I will share later as the future is in the past, if you can get a little idea by this future is in the past, than aliens will makes logic to you as defensive force which is highly advance than human’s and has anti gravity facility, anyways back 2012.
Mayan calendar is ending on this date, Chinese calendar also completing on the same date, but Christian Roman / Islamic Hirji / Shamsi are continuing. Mayan civilization was way back 25000 Years even more ( check on wikipedia for details ) they disappeared, none of that civilization found that’s strange. But since Mexico has this wonder which is famous as the first wonder of the world, it is the
prophecy which has been acknowledge by scientist , politicians , religious leaders and common people, the end of the Mayan calendar will occur in simple words which will Reset to zero “ 000000 “ and again this calculation of time will start like before, who was there to witness at first place when it happened or next time or after it, Religious reference In Holy Books Torah , Bible and Quran it can be found that the earth was entirely demolished and again God gave a chance to reform life on earth, myself personally I went through Holy Quran first by taking the references of verses as 2:012 / 20:12 ( Chapter and than verse ) first about the year I was self exploring and what I found I am sharing with you all here,
002.011 When it is said to them: “Make not mischief on the earth,” they say: “Why, we only want to make peace!” 002.012 Of a surety, they are the ones who make mischief, but they realise (it) not. 020.012 “Verily I am thy Lord! therefore (in My presence) put off thy shoes: thou art in the sacred valley Tuwa.
Next I went about the date and more 21:12 ( GMT way ) , this is what
I found 021.011 How many were the populations We utterly destroyed because of
their iniquities, setting up in their places other peoples? 021.012 Yet, when they felt Our Punishment (coming), behold, they (tried to) flee from it. After this I went on the GMT – 11:11 am the time it will occur as I been through this entire thing, I found this 011.011 Not so do those who show patience and constancy, and work
righteousness; for them is forgiveness (of sins) and a great reward.
I was curious to know at the same time what Islamic calendar and what Holy Quran has quoted, 1434 / 1435 014.034 And He giveth you of all that ye ask for. But if ye count the favours of God, never will ye be able to number them. Verily, man is given up to injustice and ingratitude. 014.035 Remember Abraham said: “O my Lord! Make this city one of peace and security: and preserve me and my sons from worshipping idols. These are the statement from The Holy Quran, which in a way referencing refers to the time it will occur.
I was pretty shocked, well believe it or not to understand it you have to know previous verses and than 3 to 4 after on which 20:12 as Islamic 14:34. It’s all logical and mind spinning I guess to many it did not unfolded anything but to me it did. That I see the continuation of life and it is not the end of the world. As far I understand that pole shifting and melting of glaciers rising of the water will bring natural disasters since winds will blow is unexpected direction and slowing the rotation is affecting all this to happen in last decades, we have witnessed many natural disasters. If 21st December 2012 is the way when run sun will rise from the west and will stay on for 24 hours almost like 2 days because earth will stop
its rotation until the poles are shift now it isn’t easy to explain but if such thing occurred in next exactly after 3 years than cities which are next to the seaside , lands which has volcano’s inside, earth plates deep inside which causes quakes will be struck to find new position, by the measurement of scientists north pole will be on United states and Canada along with Mexico and South Pole will be
south Asia “ India , Himalaya , China. Sounds fiction but if the natural procedure is this way than what can I say. Most of the cities even countries will be under water and the effect of pole change will also change the weather suddenly so expected rainfall which I cannot even imagine. Mankind has survived before too and it will survive but how much and how is still a question? What if this massive
destruction some how triggered nuclear arms than? These questions people should ask their country leaders instead of self exploring since we all are
paying taxes and they are experimenting with our money. Is it true
that it will occur and what is the solution to make the mankind
This is no War on terror but nature is friendly as well as terrifying against all odds, already we are facing so many problems which just seems like never ending story, is it the answer of all by the nature? I watch few movies thou they are not completely making you understand due to duration and other odd reasons “but watch for 2012 we were warned, 2012 doomsday and the knowing. They have shown destruction andleast cleared a little logic if it is going to be this way than how it would be. Rest who am I to challenge God in the ways of the world.