• ڇا توھان کان سنڌ سلامت جو پاسورڊ وسري ويو آھي..؟
    ھيٺ ڏنل بٽڻ تي ڪلڪ ڪري پنھنجي اي ميل واٽس ايپ ذريعي موڪليو. .انتظامي رڪن توھان جي پاسورڊ کي ري سيٽ ڪري توھان کي اطلاع موڪليندا. لک لائق..!

    واٽس ايپ ذريعي

اچو ته خالي پيزا باڪس ۾ پيپر ڪلپ ۽ پيپر پنون کڻي بغير سولڊر جي سرڪٽ ٺاهيون

Sindhi Media

سينيئر رڪن
اچو ته خالي پيزا باڪس ۾ پيپر ڪلپ ۽ پيپر پنون کڻي بغير سولڊر جي سرڪٽ ٺاهيون

ممٿن تصويرن وارا سامان مثلن پيپر ڪلپ، پيپر پنون، هڪ ايل اي ڊي (ايل ڊي آر)، هڪ ريزسٽر، هڪ واچ سيل ، ڪوڪا، ٽيپ ۽ پيزو اليڪٽرڪ بزر گڏ ڪريو۔
Here is a list of the parts needed for this project:
  • 1 - Pizza Box/Cardboard (I used the bottom of a pizza box. Make sure it is clean.)
  • 1 - White or Blue LED (I would stay with those 2 colors because they can handle 3 volts, other colors would need a resistor.)
  • 1 - Piezoelectric Buzzer
  • 1 - LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
  • 1 - 3 Volt Button Cell Battery
  • ~ 25 Metal Brads (I used large brads, small would work too.)
  • ~ 20 Paperclips
  • Small Nail (or something to poke holes in the cardboard)
  • Tape (I used black electrical tape on the underside and white tape to hold it closed.)
پيزا باڪس تي هي سرڪٽ ڊزائين ڪريو۔

I learn best through tactile teaching methods. Teaching and learning basic circuits, electronics, and electricity from books is good, but why not build a simple circuit from scratch and learn from doing. This is a great way to get hands on and teach/learn the basics of electricity. With this project you can change the path of the electric current to run through different sensors. With this design you can switch between lighting a Blue LED or activating a Buzzer. You also have the choice of using a Light Dependent Resistor with the LED or Buzzer. You can be creative and design your own circuit and add different sensors (other LEDs...).
انتظامي رڪن طرفان آخري ترميم:
ٽيپ جو استعمال ڪري سرڪٽ جي ۽ ڪارڊ بورڊ جي ٻئي پاسي ۾ پٽين کي هن طرح سان جوڙيو۔
جڏنهن سرڪٽ ٺهي تيار ٿيندو ته هن ريت ڊزائين بهندي۔

You can feel free to change this design and make it bigger or smaller, with more parts or less, but I am going to explain how I made mine.
  • First, prep the Pizza Box. I had a clean pizza box and cut out the bottom square. Then you can use the edge of a table to fold it in half.
  • The idea here is to use brads and paperclips as your wire.
  • Power! Pick the place on your board where you want the battery. Place a paperclip on that spot and with the nail poke holes just inside the ends of the clip. Then rotate the paperclip 90 degrees and poke 2 more holes. (see pic) Push a brad through the left hole and another brad through a paperclip and through the right hole. Now flip the board over.
  • Now on the back side place a paperclip over the 2 brads and secure it by flattening them out. This is your negative connection. (see pic) Place tape over the brad pins.
  • Put brads in the top and bottom holes. The top needs a paperclip on the front. on the back you are going to sandwich the battery between the clip going left right and one going top bottom. Make sure the battery is in the right way (positive is facing you and touching the top and bottom pins.
  • Now secure it by spreading the brad pins and applying tape. (see pic)
  • Your battery is now set
  • Flip over the board so you see the front and test the clips with the LED. (The longer LED leg is positive)
  • If the LED lights you can move on.