توهان پڇو به نٿا ته هي ليمان ڇو پيا آهن۔۔۔
هلو ٻُڌايو ٿا ته اهو ڪرڻ اسان ليمن مان پياوٺون، هتي بيٽر ته آهي ڪونه جو اسان هڪ فروٽ شاپ جي دُڪان ته ويٺا هُئاسون ۽ رات ٿي وئي۔
This Instructable will show you how to make your own
Juicy Lemon Light Pod!
It is based upon the idea of the classic 'Lemon Battery', only this one's just a bit more special!
The main features include:
> 3x Refillable Juice containers
> Use of the Joule Thief Circuit
> LED Extension / Flexible arm
> Recycled Aluminium Cans
/// Add some juice to each container and let there be light! ///
How does it work?
When two different metals come into contact with citric acid, an
electrochemical reaction occurs. This reaction generates a small potential difference or voltage. In this project, the copper coin is acting as the positive electrode and the aluminium can becomes the electron-producing negative electrode or anode. When constructing a traditional lemon battery, you can connect multiple lemons or cells in series for more energy. The one problem I've seen with directly wiring electrodes into a lemon is that after a while the lemon dries up and becomes discoloured. This inspired me to design an object with 'pods' made from aluminium cans which you could use, empty and refill.
ڊلوما هولڊر، بي ٽيڪ (سيمي اسڪلڊ ورڪرس) ۽ انجنيئرنگ ڊگري هولڊر بي اي پڙهو ته اهو ليمن جو ڪرنٽ ڪيئن ٿو نڪري۔