• ڇا توھان کان سنڌ سلامت جو پاسورڊ وسري ويو آھي..؟
    ھيٺ ڏنل بٽڻ تي ڪلڪ ڪري پنھنجي اي ميل واٽس ايپ ذريعي موڪليو. .انتظامي رڪن توھان جي پاسورڊ کي ري سيٽ ڪري توھان کي اطلاع موڪليندا. لک لائق..!

    واٽس ايپ ذريعي

ڪوڪا ڪولا جي ٽن ۾ جائول ٿيف ٺاهيو.

Sindhi Media

سينيئر رڪن
ڪوڪا ڪولا جي ٽن ۾ جائول ٿيف ٺاهيو.
توهان پڇو به نٿا ته هي ليمان ڇو پيا آهن۔۔۔

هلو ٻُڌايو ٿا ته اهو ڪرڻ اسان ليمن مان پياوٺون، هتي بيٽر ته آهي ڪونه جو اسان هڪ فروٽ شاپ جي دُڪان ته ويٺا هُئاسون ۽ رات ٿي وئي۔
This Instructable will show you how to make your own Juicy Lemon Light Pod!
It is based upon the idea of the classic 'Lemon Battery', only this one's just a bit more special!

The main features include:
> 3x Refillable Juice containers
> Use of the Joule Thief Circuit
> LED Extension / Flexible arm
> Recycled Aluminium Cans

/// Add some juice to each container and let there be light! ///

How does it work?
When two different metals come into contact with citric acid, an electrochemical reaction occurs. This reaction generates a small potential difference or voltage. In this project, the copper coin is acting as the positive electrode and the aluminium can becomes the electron-producing negative electrode or anode. When constructing a traditional lemon battery, you can connect multiple lemons or cells in series for more energy. The one problem I've seen with directly wiring electrodes into a lemon is that after a while the lemon dries up and becomes discoloured. This inspired me to design an object with 'pods' made from aluminium cans which you could use, empty and refill.
ڊلوما هولڊر، بي ٽيڪ (سيمي اسڪلڊ ورڪرس) ۽ انجنيئرنگ ڊگري هولڊر بي اي پڙهو ته اهو ليمن جو ڪرنٽ ڪيئن ٿو نڪري۔
Here's what you're gonna need...

Tools & Preparation> Soldering Iron (+ Solder)
> Power Drill (+5mm bit)
> Glue Gun
> Wire Cutters
> Scissors
> Junior Hacksaw
> Metal Polish
> Adhesive Insulation Tape
> Voltmeter
> Marker Pen

Materials & Components
> A fresh lemon!
> 4x Aluminium Cans
> PVC tubing (5mm dia.)
> Thin wire (2mm dia.)
> 3x Copper Coins / Copper Sheet

For the Joule Thief Circuit
> Standard Ferrite Toroid Core (+thin, enamelled wire)
> 1k Resistor (Brown-Black-Red)
> Optional 10uF Electrolytic Capacitor
> NPN Transistor (2N3904)
> 5mm White LED

Now that we've got everything, let's get going >>>

We're finished making, go get juicing some lemons!!

>> Add the lemon juice to each container pod and watch your LED light up :)
>> Okay, you're not going to be able to power your house off this thing but hopefully it's a fun little project for the weekend.
1) Solder the wire from the last coin to the positive terminal of the circuit.

2) Connect a wire from the last aluminium can to the ground terminal of the circuit.

3) The leads from the LED connect to the output of the Joule Thief.

4) Wrap insulation tape around the circuit and gently push inside the can out of the way.

Tip: Use an unfolded paper clip inside the tubes so that you can bend and position them in the right place!

1) Solder the LED for the centre can with the flat side of the LED connected to the black wire (-) and its other lead to the red wire (+). I used some heat-shrink to ensure that the LED was fixed to the tubing securely.

2) Now you can solder the copper coins to their leads.

3) A drop of hot glue would also help to strengthen the bond.

SAFETY WARNING: Whether you're soldering directly onto copper coins or copper sheet, the material is going to get extremely hot! It may seem difficult to solder at first, because the surface is acting as a massive heat sink :P Have a heat resistant surface underneath your work! You may have to leave the coins to cool for a few minutes afterwards.

As a final check, I used a multimeter to make sure I had made the right connections between the cans and the coins.