اچو ته ڏسون ته هاڻ ان ٽيسٽر کي استعمال ڪيئن ڪبو۔
واهه سائي ايل اي ڊي بغير ٽرانسسٽر رکڻ سان ٻري وئي۔ ڀلا ٽرانسسٽر وجهي ٽيسٽ ڪيو۔
اڃا سمجهاڻي ڏيان۔ جيڪا توهانجي مرضي جي هضم ڪري سگهو ته۔
Now that you have built the tester it is time to find out how to use it. There are two main types of situations you will encounter.
Situation 1: You know the transistor type and orientation.
If you know the transistor type and orientation place it in the correct testing circuit. Hold the tester in the landscape position with the battery on the right side. Place the transistor in the correct circuit for its type and orientation with the flat side facing you. With the transistor firmly in the socket press the tactile button. If the LED lights up the transistor passes the test.
Situation 2: The transistor type and orientation is unknown.
Start with the tester in a landscape position with the battery to the right. Place the transistor in the bottom left circuit, the circuit that tests if it is an NPN with an EBC orientation. Make sure to place the transistor in the socket with the flat side facing you. With the transistor in the socket observer the LEDs status
without pressing the button, don't touch it just yet.
Is the LED on? If so then the transistor is a NPN type but does not have the EBC orientation. Remove it from the socket and place it in the socket to the right to test if it has the orientation of ECB.
Is the LED off? Press the button and observe the LED status. If the LED turns on they you have found out three things about this unknown transistor. One it is of type NPN. Two if has an orientation of EBC and three it works.
If the LED remains off with or without pressing the button place it in the PNP testing circuit and try to determine the orientation.
The main thing to take away from this situation is that if a transistor is placed in the correct transistor type testing circuit but the wrong orientation the LED will illuminate. This holds true for both NPN and PNP test circuits. By observing this you will know if you have guessed the correct transistor type but chose the wrong orientation. Knowing this can save you a lot of time when you are testing a pile of unknown transistors.
NOTE: In handling this tester you may have noticed something odd happen if you touch the back side of the circuit, specifically bridge the switch with your finger. If you do this with the correct transistor in the socket the LED will light up without pressing the button. Don't worry nothing is wrong with your circuit or the transistor, in fact this is good. Your finger is conducting a small amount of current which is picked up by the transistor. The transistor, doing one of the things it is designed to do, picks up this small current and amplifies it by letting current pass through to the LED. So while handling the tester try to keep your fingers from brushing the back of the tester to prevent false readings.