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    واٽس ايپ ذريعي

فشرٽيڪنڪ سگنل ليمپ ايل اي ڊي مان ٺاهيو

Sindhi Media

سينيئر رڪن
فشرٽيڪنڪ سگنل ليمپ ايل اي ڊي مان ٺاهيو
پاڪستان ۾ ته شايد نه۔۔ پر جي توهان ٻاهرين دُنيا ۾ گهمڻ ويا هوندائو ته اُتي جڏنهن ڪا ڪنسٽرڪسن يا روڊ ٺهندو اهي ته پاسو بدلائي ٻئي روٽ وٺڻ لاِ هڪ ٻه رنگو سگنل هوندو آهي جنهن کي فشرٽيڪنڪ سگنل چئبو آهي۔ حالانڪه اهو وڏن وڏن پاور بلبن مان ٺهندو آهي پر جيئن ته اُهي مهنگا هوندا آهن، اسان ان کي گهڻيو ايل اي ڊيون لڳائي ايتري ئي روشني حاصل ڪري ٺاهينداسون۔ هاڻ توهانجي مرضي ته هي فشر ٽيڪنڪ سگنل پاڪستان ۾ ڪهڙي مقصد لاِ استعمال ڪندئو۔
اچو ته پهرين ڪنٽرولر سرڪٽ ٺاهيون۔

گرين لائٽ کي ڪنٽرول ڪرڻڻ لاِ مٿيون سرڪٽ

we can operate the two LED anti-parallel. Depending on the polarity of the drive output red or green LED lights. We need then to control only one pin.
We just need a series resistor.

For general applications, it is better to control both LEDs separately.

The series resistor is calculated for 9 Volt fischertechnik.
سامان ڇا ڇا گهُرجي

I used two Kingbright BIG LAMP with 20mm diameter.
It is a very large LED. Ideal to display something.
The LED is available in different colors.

The kids like them very much.

The LED consis of 6 single LED. 3 in a row. 2 in parallel.
The supply voltage is 6 volts, the current 20 mA.

We need a series resistor of about 150 ohms.

Red LED: Part Number: DLC2/6ID
Green LED: Part Number: DLC2/6GD

Other Parts:

- one or two 150 Ohm Resistor (for 9 Volt)
- 2,6mm Märklin sockets (Can be replaced by cable)
- prototyp pcb
- epoxy or hot glue
ياد رهي ته هي وڏين ايل اي ڊي جو سرڪٽ اهي۔

First, we drill the holes for the LED 2. A proto-type board is helpful. But it is also without. We solder the LED and the resistor. If necessary, we also have a separate copper track. The separated wires led us to use for the attachment of the sockets.

For mechanical stabilization, we shed the back with epoxy or hot glue.