• ڇا توھان کان سنڌ سلامت جو پاسورڊ وسري ويو آھي..؟
    ھيٺ ڏنل بٽڻ تي ڪلڪ ڪري پنھنجي اي ميل واٽس ايپ ذريعي موڪليو. .انتظامي رڪن توھان جي پاسورڊ کي ري سيٽ ڪري توھان کي اطلاع موڪليندا. لک لائق..!

    واٽس ايپ ذريعي

فون الرٽ برائيٽ آر جي بي ايل اي ڊي فليشر سرڪٽ

Sindhi Media

سينيئر رڪن
فون الرٽ برائيٽ آر جي بي ايل اي ڊي فليشر سرڪٽ

Years back - had trouble hearing her phone ring.
I decided to make a simple flasher to help her "see" the phone ring.

This is a modification of that project - this time using Bright RGB LEDs
with a rating of 15,000 mcd.
I decided this time I wanted a flasher that you would notice in a room even
if it was still daylight.

I found a compromise between being blinded and more than bright enough
at a current of 24ma per Bright (15000 mcd) RGB LED pair.

Above (Image #1) is a photo of the minimal components I used to construct the circuit.

This picture (Image 1) shows the wiring of components and also photos of the
final in-box layout and resulting flash of the bright (15000 mcd) RGB LEDs
when connected to the phone line via the phone cord with RJ45 jack.
اچو ته هاڻ اهو سرڪٽ ڊزائين ڪريون

Refer to the Circuit Diagram above:

The 470 ohm resistor and the two diodes can be soldered directly to the relay coil contacts.
Make sure the diodes are correctly positioned.

The TIP(+ve) end wire of the phone cord can then be soldered to the other end of the resistor
and the RING (-ve) end wire to the -ve (stripe) end of the diode opposite to the resistor.

The BRIGHT RGB LED (pairs) can be soldered separately with a 100 ohm resistor in series
with each string.

Image #1 (above) shows what the two LED string pairs look like when linked together with the
(+ve) ends of the LEDs connected to the (+ve) of the 9V battery and the (-ve) LED series resistor
ends connected to the "common" of the relay.