• ڇا توھان کان سنڌ سلامت جو پاسورڊ وسري ويو آھي..؟
    ھيٺ ڏنل بٽڻ تي ڪلڪ ڪري پنھنجي اي ميل واٽس ايپ ذريعي موڪليو. .انتظامي رڪن توھان جي پاسورڊ کي ري سيٽ ڪري توھان کي اطلاع موڪليندا. لک لائق..!

    واٽس ايپ ذريعي

ملٽي فنڪشن ايل اي ڊي گيم سرڪٽ ٺاهيو

Sindhi Media

سينيئر رڪن
ملٽي فنڪشن ايل اي ڊي گيم سرڪٽ ٺاهيو
First are my answers to the Make-To-Learn Contest:

What did you make?

I made a multi-function LED Array Program, like my previous one with Arduino UNO, but this time I made it with an ATmega32 microcontroller. I used regular C code to program it and no Arduino was involved at all. I also added a second row of LED's to the device for a total of 14 LED's. Two buttons are used for a game, and one big button is used to switch programs on the microcontroller.

How did you make it?
I was inspired to make this program by my previous device that I made with an Arduino UNO, but I made this one for an extra challenge by using and ATmega32 instead of an Arduino. This greatly compacted the device and soon I hope to get it to fit into a single Altoids tin. I made it out of two perforated boards, and soldered everything together with hookup wire. Doing this was not an easy task because I made many mistakes, but it was my first time making anything like it so I expected to make lots of mistakes.

Where did you make it?
I made this device entirely at home in my bedroom. It took me many hours of soldering, de-soldering, and re-soldering to finish it... and then I still had to program it. My bedroom has all of my electronic equipment that I used to make this. The project gave me many ideas for more projects that I hope to do in the future it also helped me get better at problem-solving, and having patience. It didn't really affect too much of my outside life, but my outside life really impacted it. I probably would've had it done many weeks ago but am in highschool and have been loaded with tons of homework for the past few weeks.

What did you learn?
I learned many things through the making of this device. Building it has made me learn a lot about programming microcontrollers and about the basics of electronic components. The biggest challenges that I had were trying to get the button to change the programs of the microcontroller, and having to solder and re-solder so much. These challenges have taught me more about problem-solving, and to always double-check my connections before making them almost permanent. I learned a great deal from making this and hope to learn lots more from my upcoming projects.

This is the, semi-completed, Multi-Function LED Array Program that I have been working on. Unfortunately I did not take the time to take pictures of all the steps in making it. I have the video above, a few pics and an explanation. Basically what I did was take my Arduino LED Array Program and make it without using Arduino. It was much more challenging code to do it without Arduino, and the one-button mode change made it even more challenging. I have everything on two perf boards that can squeeze together so that I will, hopefully soon, be able to fit it all into 1 altoids tin so that it will be pocket sized.

I have two rows of 7 LEDs, two buttons at the end of each row, and a Potentiometer in between the two buttons.The buttons I use, as of now, solely for the purpose of playing the button race game. The potentiometer is only used in controlling the speed that the LED's chase one another. Then I have one larger button that isn't attached to the two main perf boards. It serves as the button to switch between programs. It really isn't that complicated if you have a fair understanding of programming AVR micorcontrollers. For both the LED Counter, and the button race I got the idea, and some of the code, from the tutorials at NewbieHack.com. It has taken me a long time to do this because I made many careless mistakes soldering, and then decide to hot glue it all together before checking my connections. So I had to fix it all, multiple times, and on top of that have had loads of homework to do over the past few weeks. But I finally got it done! I hope everyone that sees the instructable likes it. If anyone needs my help on the hardware, or software, sides of making it I would be glad to help so just comment and I will do my best.

I am also entering this instructable into a few contests, that unfortunately are ending soon, so any votes would be very appreciated. Thanks!