• ڇا توھان کان سنڌ سلامت جو پاسورڊ وسري ويو آھي..؟
    ھيٺ ڏنل بٽڻ تي ڪلڪ ڪري پنھنجي اي ميل واٽس ايپ ذريعي موڪليو. .انتظامي رڪن توھان جي پاسورڊ کي ري سيٽ ڪري توھان کي اطلاع موڪليندا. لک لائق..!

    واٽس ايپ ذريعي

ڇا توهانکي پنهنجي پروجيڪٽس لا سرڪٽ بورڊ ٺاهڻ نه سيکاريون

Sindhi Media

سينيئر رڪن
ڇا توهانکي پنهنجي پروجيڪٽس لا سرڪٽ بورڊ ٺاهڻ نه سيکاريون
مارڪيٽ ۾ توهان کي هڪ طرف ٽامي جا ليپيل اڻ سرڪٽ ۽ اڻ ڊزائين سرڪٽ بورڊ (پي سي بي) آرام سان ملي ويندا، توهانجو ڪم آهي ته اُهي خريد ڪريون ۽ پنهنجي سرڪٽ موجب اُن کي ڊزائين ڪريو، جڏنهن توهانجي پريڪٽس ٿي وڃي ته ٻين شوقينن کي به اهي ٺاهي ڏيڻ ۾ مدد ڪريو چاهي ته ڪاروبار ڪري ڪمائي به سگهو ٿا۔

QCB stands for Quick Circuit Board.

The concept of QCB is based on scoring the non-connections rather than laboriously draw connections on the copper clad board. The complexity of technology of making traditional PCBs can be virtually reduced to pencil and paper technology using QCB. Though very complex circuits might not be possible with QCB, moderately complex circuits involving one or two ICs are indeed possible. Complex circuits might be developed using modular approach.

Salient features of QCB:
  • Quick process
  • Layouts can be easily documented
  • Easy templates
  • Easy and quick reproduction
  • Pure mechanical process with no chemicals
  • Professional quality
  • Very small footprints possibles
  • Very simple tools required
  • Easy checking of circuit
  • Easy conversion of schematic into circuit
  • Low resistance circuit
سرڪٽ بورڊ (هٿ جا، ڪيميڪل تي اڳتي هلي سمجهائينداسون) ٺاهڻ لاِ ڪن اوزارن جي به ضرورت پوندي آهي اُهي توهان وٽ لازمي هُئڻ گهُرجن جي توهان مستقل اليڪٽرانڪس انجنيئرنگ ۾ دلچسپي رکو ٿا۔

Let's start with what you do not need:
  1. Etchant of any kind
  2. Masking of copper clad boards
  3. Hefty PCB designing software
  4. A lot of time, tools, problem solving, cleaning, disposing off, etc.
Now, what you do need:
  1. Copper clad board
  2. Schematic of the electronic circuit (even hand drawn wiring diagram will do)
  3. Inkscape and inkjet printer OR pencil and paper (plain, graph or sticker paper)
  4. HSS hacksaw blade (NOT shown in figure; cutter was tried earlier but was found to be inconvenient; HSS blade is best as it can cut any material with ease)
  5. Straight edge (anything straight will do)
  6. Manual pen type PCB drill (see figure) with 0.8 mm drill bit
  7. Center punch
  8. i-Can-Hold
  9. Glue stick
  10. Scrap piece of wood
  11. Some spare time
Optional requirements (does not matter much if you don't have)
  1. Oregano (optional: It's free and easily simulates schematics)
  2. Multimeter or continuity tester (optional: For checking connections)