• ڇا توھان کان سنڌ سلامت جو پاسورڊ وسري ويو آھي..؟
    ھيٺ ڏنل بٽڻ تي ڪلڪ ڪري پنھنجي اي ميل واٽس ايپ ذريعي موڪليو. .انتظامي رڪن توھان جي پاسورڊ کي ري سيٽ ڪري توھان کي اطلاع موڪليندا. لک لائق..!

    واٽس ايپ ذريعي

ميٽرڪس ايل اي ڊي فليشر پروجيڪٽ جنهن ۾ ٽائيمر 555 ۽ شفٽ ايري آ سي 4020 لڳائبي۔

Sindhi Media

سينيئر رڪن
ميٽرڪس ايل اي ڊي فليشر پروجيڪٽ جنهن ۾ ٽائيمر 555 ۽ شفٽ ايري آ سي 4020 لڳائبي۔
دوستو هڪ ايل اي ڊي کان شروع ٿي، ٻه ايل اي ڊي فليشر پو 10 ايل ايڊي فليشر، ان کان پو 41 ايل اي ڊي فليشر ٺاهڻ جو طريقو ته اوهان سکيو هوندو۔ هي تمام آسان سرڪٽ آهن اُميد ته هاڻ توهان ان قابل هوندئو ته سرڪٽ ڊزائين ۽ سرڪٽ جي ڪم ڪرڻ عمل کي سمجهي ويا هوندا۔
هاڻ مان توهانکي ٻه مختلف آ سيون لڳائي هڪ ميٽرڪس ايل اي ڊي فليشر ٺاهڻ سيکاريان ٿو اُميد ته آسان هوندو۔

مٿئي سرڪٽ جيان پنهنجي پروٽو بورڊ تي سيٽ ڪريو۔
ڏسو ته ايل اي ڊي ميٽرڪس ڪيئن ٺاهبو آهي۔

For my first build, I decided to attempt a simple 3x3x3 led cube! Which would involve absolutely no programming. I came across a straightforward design involving a 555 timer and a 4020 14 stage binary counter at instructables.
I first built the cube using the exact values of components (except for leds, unknown) on a breadboard. I had a problem, it would not work, and I checked all connections, several times, not a flicker from the leds.

Being a very simple design with only 4 components (apart from the leds), two of which were pretty much fixed (the IC's). I started to play about with the capacitance; resistance and I also lowered the voltage.

After a lot of trial and error, I finally came up with a working cube using the following values.

Voltage = 4.5volts.

Capacitor = 100uf.

Resistor = 91ohms.

The design of the circuit remains the same and I used 3mm leds.
Note: I don't yet know how to use CAD packages to produce pcb's so I used windows paint, a very painless method, for me.
As long as the proportions for the IC sockets remain constant, then the jpeg image can be pasted into Microsoft word and stretched corner to corner untill the correct size for printing (works for me, I could describe in more detail if anyone is interested)

I built two of these cubes one using all red leds and one using a combination of green, yellow and red like a traffic light.

There are plenty of instructables on how to etch pcb’s and make the led cubes, so these stages have been omitted.

I had a lot of fun building this and have already started my next project, hope you like it as well. Be kind.