An important thing to thing about, if you get any say in the transformer that you are going to use, is how much current that you are going to draw from it. Size seems to be an indication of how much you can draw, but here, if it isn't listed somewhere, I usually go ahead with it and check to make sure it isn't heating up too badly at the end of it all.
So now that the voltage has been stepped down from the wall, we want to make make it DC. The first step to this is to rectify voltage signal.
يعني ڊائيود لڳائي اي سي (الٽرنيٽنگ) لهر مان ڊي سي يعني ڊائريڪٽ ڪرنٽ ٺاهڻ۔ (فلٽر ڪرڻ)۔ پوين سرڪٽس ۾ اسان توهانکي ٻُڌائي آيا آهيون ته ڊائيود يا ٽرانسسٽر لڳائي سگنل ڪيئن ٽوڙي گهربل سگنل حاصل ڪري سگهجي ٿو هتي سگنل (فريڪئنسي220 وولٽ آهي ۽ اسٽيپ ڊائون ٿي اُها 12 وولٽ اي سي ملندي۔
My preferred method of doing this is the use of a bridge rectifier. There are a couple ways to do this however, if you have rectifier diodes hanging around from something else that you have taken apart, you can build your own easily. Or, you can get one of the prepackaged ones that are available from Fairchild or other component companies.
هتي مون ايل اي ڊيز ڪي پاڻ ۾ پُڇ پُڇ سان ۽ مُنهن ۾وهن سان ڳنڍي هڪ برج ريڪٽيفائر ٺاهيو آهي۔ هي برج اي سي لهرن مان ڊي سي لهر ڳولي لهي ٿو ۽ اهڙين لهرن حاصل ڪرڻ لا گهڻائي ٻيا طريق به هوندا آهن جن کي اڳتي هلي ڪنهن سبق ۾ سيکارينداسون۔
Pretty much the only thing to worry about is to make sure that whatever you are using will be operating within its range. Check any available data sheets to make sure that you aren't going to try and pull too much current through the rectifier. If datasheets are unavailable, i.e. you used scavenged diodes to build your own rectifier, I usually just go ahead and build it anyways, and see how much everything heats up.
بس جنهن شي جي به توهانکي ارينجمينٽ ڪرڻي آهي ان ۾ ان شي جو خاص خيال رکڻو اهي ته ڇا توهان کي اهو پنهنجي رينج ۾ ملي ٿو۔ ڪنهن به ٽرانسسٽر، ڊائيود يا پُرزي جي رانجن کي سمجهڻ لاِ ۽ معلوم ڪرڻ لاِ انهن جي هڪ ڊيٽا شيٽ هوندي آهي جيڪا توهان کي ڪنهن لائبرري يا ڪتابن جي دوڪان تان آساني سان ملي سگهي ٿي۔