• ڇا توھان کان سنڌ سلامت جو پاسورڊ وسري ويو آھي..؟
    ھيٺ ڏنل بٽڻ تي ڪلڪ ڪري پنھنجي اي ميل واٽس ايپ ذريعي موڪليو. .انتظامي رڪن توھان جي پاسورڊ کي ري سيٽ ڪري توھان کي اطلاع موڪليندا. لک لائق..!

    واٽس ايپ ذريعي

اليڪٽرانڪس پروجيڪٽس لا گهربل ڊي سي پاور سپلا ڪيئن ٺاهجي

Sindhi Media

سينيئر رڪن
اليڪٽرانڪس پروجيڪٽس لا گهربل ڊي سي پاور سپلا ڪيئن ٺاهجي
دوستو جيئن جسم ساهه کان بغير بيڪار آهي ائين ڪو به اليڪٽرانڪس سرڪٽ تڏنهن بيڪار آ جي هو ڪو ڪم نه ڪري سگهي جڏنهن هن ۾ روح وجهي گهربل ضرورت حاصل ڪبي آهي ته اهو به ڪم ڪرڻ لڳندو آهي تنهنڪري اسانجي پروجيڪٽس لاِ ان روح (پاور سپلا) جي ضرورت به لازمي آهي، هتي آئون توهانکي بنيادي پاور سپلا ٺاهڻ سيکاريندس۔ پهرئي هي سرڪٽ ڏسو۔

مٿئين سرڪٽ ۾ ڪي نشانيون آهن جنهن لاِ توهان کي اڳئي سيکاريو ويو هو۔ جهڙوڪ هڪ ٽرانسارمر، چار ڊائيوڊ۔
هاڻ ان ساڳئي سرڪٽ ۾ اسان ڪجهه ٻيا پُرزا به جوڙي مُڪمل ڪريون ٿا۔

ڪيپيسٽر، ريگيوليٽر ۽ ريزسٽر جي نشانين کي ته توهان سمجهو ٿا۔
هاڻ ان ساڳئي سرڪٽ ۾ اسان ڪجهه ٻيا پُرزا به جوڙي مُڪمل ڪريون ٿا۔

ڪيپيسٽر، ريگيوليٽر ۽ ريزسٽر جي نشانين کي ته توهان سمجهو ٿا۔
اچو ته هاڻ ڏسون ته اهي آخر ڪهڙا پُرزا هُئا ۽ انهن کي پروٽو بورڊ تي ڪيئن وڇائجي ٿو۔
سڀ کان پهرئي اسانکي سمجهڻو آهي ته اسان کي گهربل وولٽيج ۽ ڪرنٽ لا گهر جي 220 وولٽ سپلا کي گهٽ ڪري گهربل 6 يا 9 يا 12 يا 24 وغيره (اسٽيپ ڊائون ڪرڻ لا ) ڪهڙو ٽرانسفارمر استعمال ڪرڻو اهي۔
مون جيڪو اسٽيپ ڊائون ٽرانسفارمر استعمال ڪيو آهي اُهو آهي 220 اي سي وولٽ کي 12 اي سي وولٽ ڪرڻ وارو۔
An important thing to thing about, if you get any say in the transformer that you are going to use, is how much current that you are going to draw from it. Size seems to be an indication of how much you can draw, but here, if it isn't listed somewhere, I usually go ahead with it and check to make sure it isn't heating up too badly at the end of it all.

So now that the voltage has been stepped down from the wall, we want to make make it DC. The first step to this is to rectify voltage signal.
يعني ڊائيود لڳائي اي سي (الٽرنيٽنگ) لهر مان ڊي سي يعني ڊائريڪٽ ڪرنٽ ٺاهڻ۔ (فلٽر ڪرڻ)۔ پوين سرڪٽس ۾ اسان توهانکي ٻُڌائي آيا آهيون ته ڊائيود يا ٽرانسسٽر لڳائي سگنل ڪيئن ٽوڙي گهربل سگنل حاصل ڪري سگهجي ٿو هتي سگنل (فريڪئنسي220 وولٽ آهي ۽ اسٽيپ ڊائون ٿي اُها 12 وولٽ اي سي ملندي۔
My preferred method of doing this is the use of a bridge rectifier. There are a couple ways to do this however, if you have rectifier diodes hanging around from something else that you have taken apart, you can build your own easily. Or, you can get one of the prepackaged ones that are available from Fairchild or other component companies.
هتي مون ايل اي ڊيز ڪي پاڻ ۾ پُڇ پُڇ سان ۽ مُنهن ۾وهن سان ڳنڍي هڪ برج ريڪٽيفائر ٺاهيو آهي۔ هي برج اي سي لهرن مان ڊي سي لهر ڳولي لهي ٿو ۽ اهڙين لهرن حاصل ڪرڻ لا گهڻائي ٻيا طريق به هوندا آهن جن کي اڳتي هلي ڪنهن سبق ۾ سيکارينداسون۔
Pretty much the only thing to worry about is to make sure that whatever you are using will be operating within its range. Check any available data sheets to make sure that you aren't going to try and pull too much current through the rectifier. If datasheets are unavailable, i.e. you used scavenged diodes to build your own rectifier, I usually just go ahead and build it anyways, and see how much everything heats up.
بس جنهن شي جي به توهانکي ارينجمينٽ ڪرڻي آهي ان ۾ ان شي جو خاص خيال رکڻو اهي ته ڇا توهان کي اهو پنهنجي رينج ۾ ملي ٿو۔ ڪنهن به ٽرانسسٽر، ڊائيود يا پُرزي جي رانجن کي سمجهڻ لاِ ۽ معلوم ڪرڻ لاِ انهن جي هڪ ڊيٽا شيٽ هوندي آهي جيڪا توهان کي ڪنهن لائبرري يا ڪتابن جي دوڪان تان آساني سان ملي سگهي ٿي۔
انتظامي رڪن طرفان آخري ترميم:
جڏنهن جڏنهن اسٽيپ ڊائون ٽرانسفارمر جي پُڃ ۾ ڊائيوڊ برج سرڪٽ لڳندو ته اسان کي شور گوڙ سان ڊي سي ڪرنٽ ملندو جنهن لاِ پو فلٽر ڪرڻ لازمي آهي ته سڌو ۽ خالص ڊي سي وولٽ حاصل ڪري سگهون۔

So now that we've rectified the voltage, we have changed the voltage signal from a sine wave into what is more or less the absolute value of itself. Now what remains is to smooth it out. So we are just going to insert a capacitor in parallel between ground and voltage.

This is a really easy step, especially since electrolytic capacitors are common, and you probably have something broken lying around that you can pull one out of. Here, a larger value is better, but you don't really need to go overboard. I just put in a large value and then later replaced it with smaller and smaller values until the ripple got bad enough for me to worry about it.

As with all things, make sure that you are using a component that will work within its safety limit. Here, you have to make sure that the capacitors rated voltage isn't exceeded. It would be a good idea to measure this just to be sure.

Also: Make sure to put the capacitor in the right way. The side with the stripe on it is the side that you must put to the most negative voltage. I've only ever seen it once, but when an electrolytic capacitor is put in backwards, it can explode.
آخر ۾ ريگيولين جو مرحلو ايندو هي مرحلو تمام لازمي آهي۔

This step is necessary to take the smoothed out voltage, smooth it out a little further and give you your final, desired output voltage.

Again, you could do this step in a couple of different ways. First you could whip up a zener regulator, if you happen to have zener diode around that fits the output voltage you wanted.

Personally, I prefer another way. More of a 'plug and chug' approach, this method just uses a prepackaged voltage regulator readily available from any number of different companies. Pretty much all you have to do is make sure that it will handle the current you are going to pull from it, and that you are supplying it with a voltage inside of its input range. One of the ones I built needed to have the voltage dropped down a bit further so I figured out the size of the resistor needed to put the input voltage inside the proper range. If you need to do this, just keep in mind the power dissipation.

Also, some regulators need a small capacitor in parallel with the output in order to stabilize it. The datasheet will mention if it requires one or not.
هاڻ توهان وٽ هڪ مُڪمل ڊي سي گهربل پاور سپلا تيار آهي۔ هن تي اڳتي هلي به ڳالهائبو۔
Step 5: Other Safety Considerations and Finishing Up

So, now you've got a small DC power supply. It can be mounted permanently on a board, or used temporarily if you leave it on your breadboard.

Just watch, what you hook up to it, so that you don't fry any of the components, and be really careful with that transformer, as it is plugged into the wall.