• ڇا توھان کان سنڌ سلامت جو پاسورڊ وسري ويو آھي..؟
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    واٽس ايپ ذريعي

پاڪيٽ فليش لائيٽ ٺاهيو

Sindhi Media

سينيئر رڪن
پاڪيٽ فليش لائيٽ ٺاهيو

Light up the dark with this simple flashlight while illuminating the very basics of electric circuits. Also great introduction to measurement!
ڪو فوم جو ٽڪڙو کڻو ۽ هن طريقي سان اسڪوائر ۾ ڪٽيو۔


Use the ruler to measure and mark a point 1½ inches along the short edges from one of the long ends of the foam sheet. Draw a line across. Cut off the strip. Place the remainder of the foam off to the side to either take home as repair foam for when the battery needs changing or to return to the supply bins. Use the ruler to measure and mark points at 1½, 3, and 4½ inches along the long sides of the foam strip. Draw lines across. Cut along the lines to get four 1½ inch squares.

هاڻ بيٽري کي اسڪوائر ٽڪڙن جي فوم ۾ وجهو

اسڪائر کي وچ مان ڪٽيو



Use the battery to trace a circle onto the center of two of the foam pieces. Fold each piece of foam in half and cut out the circles. Save the circles. Remove the backing from both pieces with and attach the two together. Insert the battery into the hole in the two pieces of foam.
توهانجي پاڪيٽ فليش لائيٽ تيار ٿي وئي۔

Slide the LED over the foam and battery with the long wire on the “+” side of the battery and the short wire on the other side of the battery. Make sure to bend the leads back away from the battery so the LED is off before continuing.
پريشر سوئچ ڍهي ويو



Peel the backing off one of one of the circles from step 4 and place it over the battery and LED lead. Peel the backing off one of the remaining squares and attach it to the battery-LED foam. Only press it on around the edges, not the center over the battery or else you will bend the leads to permanently touch the battery. Repeat on the opposite side of the flashlight. Again, make sure to only press around the edges, not the center over the battery.
هاڻ استعمال ڪريو (ٻارن لاِ)

To operate it, gently squeeze the center of the flash- light with your fingers and the light should turn on!

Your Pocket Flashlight is a “squeeze switch.” In order for any electrical circuit to work it needs three parts: a power source (battery), a path for electricity to flow (LED leads), and an output (LED). Circuits can either be open (“off”) or closed (“on”). The circuit inside the flashlight is open because the LED lead is not touching the battery. When you squeeze the foam and press the LED lead to the battery, it closes the circuit and switches the LED on.