Sindhi Media
سينيئر رڪن
ڪهڙي قسم جا ڪهڙا ڪئپيسٽر ڪيتري ويليو وارا، اچ ته سمجهون
پهرئين ڳالهه ته هي مختلف شڪلن ۾ هوندا آهن۔ اهي ڊزائين ٿيل سڌا سواڻ ، چوڪنڊا، گول وغيره ٿي سگهن ٿا۔ وڏن يا ننڍن سائيزن ۾ ٿيندا آهن ڪن تي سندن ويليو فيس تي لڳل هوندي آهي جيڪي هڪ مائڪرو فيراڊ لان پيڪو فيراڊ تائن ممڪن آهي۔
usually range from 1uF (micro farads) upwards
I will try to explain the markings on capacitors and how to determine the values.
To help clarify the relation beween micro and pico farads 1 pF is equivalent to 0.000001 uF
Or the other way round it is 1 uF is equivalent to 1000000 pF
For example the pictures I have included. 821 would be 820pF, 331 is 330pF, 582 is 5800pF (0.0058uF) and 472 is 4700pF (0.0047uF). Other letters relate to tolerances and teperature ranges etc.
As with smaller disc capacitors, the capacitance is usually smaller than 1uf and go into pF (pico farads) When determining the capacitance of these disc style capacitors, they have numbers printed onto one face, these numbers are read similar to reading resistor values, where the first two numbers are the significant numbers and the third number is the multiplier (number of zero's to add to the value).
پهرئين ڳالهه ته هي مختلف شڪلن ۾ هوندا آهن۔ اهي ڊزائين ٿيل سڌا سواڻ ، چوڪنڊا، گول وغيره ٿي سگهن ٿا۔ وڏن يا ننڍن سائيزن ۾ ٿيندا آهن ڪن تي سندن ويليو فيس تي لڳل هوندي آهي جيڪي هڪ مائڪرو فيراڊ لان پيڪو فيراڊ تائن ممڪن آهي۔
usually range from 1uF (micro farads) upwards
I will try to explain the markings on capacitors and how to determine the values.

To help clarify the relation beween micro and pico farads 1 pF is equivalent to 0.000001 uF
Or the other way round it is 1 uF is equivalent to 1000000 pF

For example the pictures I have included. 821 would be 820pF, 331 is 330pF, 582 is 5800pF (0.0058uF) and 472 is 4700pF (0.0047uF). Other letters relate to tolerances and teperature ranges etc.

As with smaller disc capacitors, the capacitance is usually smaller than 1uf and go into pF (pico farads) When determining the capacitance of these disc style capacitors, they have numbers printed onto one face, these numbers are read similar to reading resistor values, where the first two numbers are the significant numbers and the third number is the multiplier (number of zero's to add to the value).

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