Sindhi Media
سينيئر رڪن
سنڌي ڏاها ، عالم ، اديب، لکياري، سنڌيڪار به پنهنجي راءِ ڏين ۽ کُلي ڳالهائين جي ڪا ٻي انفارميشن رکن ٿا ته.
Quota System in Pakistan پاڪستان ۾ ڪوٽا سسٽم جو رائج ٿيڻ
I have found some very interesting facts about quota system in Pakistan which are quite contrary to the propaganda among the masses. Most of the information is taken from “Affirmative action Policies in Pakistan,” by Mohammed Wasim and “Policies of Ethnic Preference in Pakistan,” by Charles H. Kennedy (Professor, Department of Political Science, Wake Forest University).
مو ن ڪُجهه دلچسپ حقيقتون (پاڪستان ۾ رائج ڪوٽا سسٽم) بابت هٿ ڪيون آهن. جيڪي مختلف سوچ ۽ فڪر ماسز جي مُخالفت ڪن ٿيون. گهڻي قدر جيڪا انفارميشن هٿ ڪئي اٿم اُها (افرميٽو ايڪشن پاليسي ان پاڪستان) جنهن کي پبلش ڪيو هو مُحمد وسيم ۽ (پاليسي آف ايٿنڪ ريفرنسز ان پاڪستان) جنهنکي لکيو هو چارلس ايڇ ڪينيڊي جيڪو پروفيسر آهي پوليٽيڪل سائنس ڊپارٽمينٽ، ويڪ فاريسٽ يونيورسٽيءَ جو.
Generally it is believed that quota system in Pakistan was introduced by Z.A. Bhutto. Some people also believe that it was introduced by Ayub Khan or even Zia-ul-Haq. No matter which of these three rulers of Pakistan introduced the quota system, it is widely and strongly accepted as a matter of fact that the sole purpose was it to adjust the community who migrated from India after the independence and settled in the urban areas of the province Sindh, from the educational institutes and bureaucracy.
عام طرح سان پروپئگنڊا ڪئي وڃي ٿي ته پاڪستان ۾ شهيد ذوالفقار علي ڀُٽو ڪوٽا سسٽم جو رواج وڌو هو. ڪي ماڻهو چون ٿا ته نه اهو رواج ايوب خان وڌو هو ته ڪي سوچون پون ٿيون ته ضياءُ الحق ۽ ڪن جو خيال نواز شريف طرف ته اسان سوچيو ته اڀياس ڪريون ته ڪهڙا ڪارڻ هُئا اُن جا. ته هاڻ ڪو فرق نٿو پوي ته انهن مان ڪهڙي حاڪم اهي ڪوٽا سسٽم جا رواج وڌا هُئا پر اهو هر ڪو قبول ڪري ٿو ته انجو خاص ڪارڻ هو اُنهن ماڻهن کي سيٽل ۽ ايڊجسٽ ڪرڻ جي ۽ جيڪي هندستان جا صوبا ڇڏي پاڪستان آيا هُئا ۽ گهڻي ڀاڱيسنڌ جي شهرن ۽ ڳوٺن ۾ وسايا ويا هُئا.
1st one (i.e the very first quota system) was introduced in Sep 1948. It was implemented for 15 years initially. Quota system was revised in 1949. Liaqat Ali Khan was the Prime Minister of Pakistan in that time period. Hence the quota system was not introduced by Ayub, Bhutto or Zia but it was first introduced by Liaqat Ali Khan.
ته ڪوٽا سسٽم جي پهرئين ٿيوري سيپٽمبر 1984 ۾ پيش ٿي هُئي ۽ 1949 ۾ اُن وقت جي وزير اعظم لياقت علي خان اها ٿيوري 15 سالن لاءِ رائج ڪئي هُئي. جيڪو ثابت ڪري ٿو ته ڪوٽا سسٽم نه ئي ايوب خان ۽ نئي شهيد ذوالفقار علي ڀُٽو ۽ نئي ضياءُ الحق يا نواز شريف رائج ڪيو هو. ڪوٽا سسٽم کي 1948 ۾ هن ريت ڊزائين ڪيو ويو هو.
The quota system for the provinces in 1948 is as given below [1]
Bengal 42%
Punjab 23%
All Other provinces [ Sindh,Balochistan and NWFP ]and Princely States 17%
Potential Immigrants from India 15%
Karachi (capital city) 02%
۽ پوءِ لياقت علي خان ان کي 15 سالن جي مُدت لاءِ هن ريت رائج ڪيو هو
The quota system revised in 1949 is as given below [1]
Bengal 40% -2%
Punjab 23%
All Other provinces [ Sindh,Balochistan and NWFP ]and Princely States 15% -2%
Merit 20%
Karachi (Capital city) 2%
This policy (quota system) provided that 20% of the vacancies in the Central Superior Services were to be filled on the basis of "merit" as a consequence of the Central Superior Services Examination (CSS examination).
اُن کان پوءِ فيصلو ٿيو ته باقي 80 سيڪڙو نوڪريون هن ريت ڀريون وينديون
The remaining 80% of the vacancies were to be filled according to the following formula: [2]
East Pakistan 40%
Punjab and Bahawalpur 23%
Sind, Khairpur, North-West Frontier Province and
Frontier States and Tribal Areas, Baluchistan,
Azad Kashmir, and Kashmir refugees, 15%
Merit 20%
Karachi 02%
By 1956, the quota policy, which had started as an administrative directive within the Establishment Division, had grown to the status of a statutory exception to the "nondiscrimination clause" in the first constitutional. This status was reiterated in the 1962 Constitution. [2]
سال 1956 تائين اها ڪوٽا پاليسي هلندي رهي ۽ اُن کي 1962 جي آئين ۾ به وڌو ويو هو.
Unjustly quota for Sindh, NWFP, Baluchistan, Azad Kashmir and princely states was not separate right from the beginning. Fairness demanded that all the provinces must had separate quota according to their population. Also 2% quota for Karachi was continued despite the fact that Karachi was not the capital of Pakistan anymore. Quota was needed to be redefined and this was not done by any ruler of Pakistan till Z.A. Bhutto came into the power and redefined the quota for each province separately.
بدقسمتيءَ سان سنڌ، ڪي پي ڪي، بلوچستان، آزاد ڪشمير جي ماڻهن کي ان ڪوٽا کان مُڪمل محروم ڪيو ويو هو ۽ اها حقيقيت به هئي ۽ ان جي ڊمانڊ وڌندي وئي ته صوبن جي اصلي باشندن کي به شريڪ ڪري اُنهن لاءِ علحده ڪوٽا رکي وڃي ڇو جو خاص طرح سنڌ جو شهر يا ٻهراڙي وارن علائقن جو ڊوميسائل ٺهرائي ٻيون قومون اهو سمورو ڪوٽا هڙپ ڪري ويو هُيون.۽ سنڌ، ڪي.پي ڪي ۽ بلوچستان جي ماڻهن ۾ محروميءَ جو عنصر وڌندو ويو.
But by August 1973, it emerged in its present form: [2]
ٽنهين صوبن جي وڌندڙ احتجاج ۽ گهرجُن جي پورائيءَ لاءِ پوءِ آگسٽ 1973 تي ڪوٽا سسٽم هن ريت ٻيهر رائج ڪيو ويو هو.
Merit 10% -10%
Punjab (including Islamabad) 50% +27%
urban Sind (Karachi, Sukkur, and Hyderabad) 7.6%
rural Sind (areas in Sind other than those above) 11.4%
NWFP (now KPK) 11.5%
Baluchistan 3.5%
Northern Areas and FATA 4%
Azad Kashmir 2%
اُن وقت ڪيلڪيوليٽيڊ ۽ ايتنڪ پاپوليشن هن ريت هُئي
According to Index Mundi the ethnic population as given below
Punjabi 44.68%
Pashtun (Pathan) 15.42%
Sindhi 14.1%
Sariaki 8.38%
Urdu Speaking 7.57%
Balochi 3.57%
other 6.28%
From the above statistics of the population on the basis of ethnicity, the current distribution of quota looks quite fair. Population of Punjab is 55% whereas it quota is 50% i.e. 5% less than its population.
[1] “Affirmative action Policies in Pakistan,” by Mohammed Wasim
[2] “Policies of Ethnic Preference in Pakistan,” by Charles H. Kennedy

Quota System in Pakistan پاڪستان ۾ ڪوٽا سسٽم جو رائج ٿيڻ
I have found some very interesting facts about quota system in Pakistan which are quite contrary to the propaganda among the masses. Most of the information is taken from “Affirmative action Policies in Pakistan,” by Mohammed Wasim and “Policies of Ethnic Preference in Pakistan,” by Charles H. Kennedy (Professor, Department of Political Science, Wake Forest University).
مو ن ڪُجهه دلچسپ حقيقتون (پاڪستان ۾ رائج ڪوٽا سسٽم) بابت هٿ ڪيون آهن. جيڪي مختلف سوچ ۽ فڪر ماسز جي مُخالفت ڪن ٿيون. گهڻي قدر جيڪا انفارميشن هٿ ڪئي اٿم اُها (افرميٽو ايڪشن پاليسي ان پاڪستان) جنهن کي پبلش ڪيو هو مُحمد وسيم ۽ (پاليسي آف ايٿنڪ ريفرنسز ان پاڪستان) جنهنکي لکيو هو چارلس ايڇ ڪينيڊي جيڪو پروفيسر آهي پوليٽيڪل سائنس ڊپارٽمينٽ، ويڪ فاريسٽ يونيورسٽيءَ جو.
Generally it is believed that quota system in Pakistan was introduced by Z.A. Bhutto. Some people also believe that it was introduced by Ayub Khan or even Zia-ul-Haq. No matter which of these three rulers of Pakistan introduced the quota system, it is widely and strongly accepted as a matter of fact that the sole purpose was it to adjust the community who migrated from India after the independence and settled in the urban areas of the province Sindh, from the educational institutes and bureaucracy.
عام طرح سان پروپئگنڊا ڪئي وڃي ٿي ته پاڪستان ۾ شهيد ذوالفقار علي ڀُٽو ڪوٽا سسٽم جو رواج وڌو هو. ڪي ماڻهو چون ٿا ته نه اهو رواج ايوب خان وڌو هو ته ڪي سوچون پون ٿيون ته ضياءُ الحق ۽ ڪن جو خيال نواز شريف طرف ته اسان سوچيو ته اڀياس ڪريون ته ڪهڙا ڪارڻ هُئا اُن جا. ته هاڻ ڪو فرق نٿو پوي ته انهن مان ڪهڙي حاڪم اهي ڪوٽا سسٽم جا رواج وڌا هُئا پر اهو هر ڪو قبول ڪري ٿو ته انجو خاص ڪارڻ هو اُنهن ماڻهن کي سيٽل ۽ ايڊجسٽ ڪرڻ جي ۽ جيڪي هندستان جا صوبا ڇڏي پاڪستان آيا هُئا ۽ گهڻي ڀاڱيسنڌ جي شهرن ۽ ڳوٺن ۾ وسايا ويا هُئا.
1st one (i.e the very first quota system) was introduced in Sep 1948. It was implemented for 15 years initially. Quota system was revised in 1949. Liaqat Ali Khan was the Prime Minister of Pakistan in that time period. Hence the quota system was not introduced by Ayub, Bhutto or Zia but it was first introduced by Liaqat Ali Khan.
ته ڪوٽا سسٽم جي پهرئين ٿيوري سيپٽمبر 1984 ۾ پيش ٿي هُئي ۽ 1949 ۾ اُن وقت جي وزير اعظم لياقت علي خان اها ٿيوري 15 سالن لاءِ رائج ڪئي هُئي. جيڪو ثابت ڪري ٿو ته ڪوٽا سسٽم نه ئي ايوب خان ۽ نئي شهيد ذوالفقار علي ڀُٽو ۽ نئي ضياءُ الحق يا نواز شريف رائج ڪيو هو. ڪوٽا سسٽم کي 1948 ۾ هن ريت ڊزائين ڪيو ويو هو.
The quota system for the provinces in 1948 is as given below [1]
Bengal 42%
Punjab 23%
All Other provinces [ Sindh,Balochistan and NWFP ]and Princely States 17%
Potential Immigrants from India 15%
Karachi (capital city) 02%
۽ پوءِ لياقت علي خان ان کي 15 سالن جي مُدت لاءِ هن ريت رائج ڪيو هو
The quota system revised in 1949 is as given below [1]
Bengal 40% -2%
Punjab 23%
All Other provinces [ Sindh,Balochistan and NWFP ]and Princely States 15% -2%
Merit 20%
Karachi (Capital city) 2%
This policy (quota system) provided that 20% of the vacancies in the Central Superior Services were to be filled on the basis of "merit" as a consequence of the Central Superior Services Examination (CSS examination).
اُن کان پوءِ فيصلو ٿيو ته باقي 80 سيڪڙو نوڪريون هن ريت ڀريون وينديون
The remaining 80% of the vacancies were to be filled according to the following formula: [2]
East Pakistan 40%
Punjab and Bahawalpur 23%
Sind, Khairpur, North-West Frontier Province and
Frontier States and Tribal Areas, Baluchistan,
Azad Kashmir, and Kashmir refugees, 15%
Merit 20%
Karachi 02%
By 1956, the quota policy, which had started as an administrative directive within the Establishment Division, had grown to the status of a statutory exception to the "nondiscrimination clause" in the first constitutional. This status was reiterated in the 1962 Constitution. [2]
سال 1956 تائين اها ڪوٽا پاليسي هلندي رهي ۽ اُن کي 1962 جي آئين ۾ به وڌو ويو هو.
Unjustly quota for Sindh, NWFP, Baluchistan, Azad Kashmir and princely states was not separate right from the beginning. Fairness demanded that all the provinces must had separate quota according to their population. Also 2% quota for Karachi was continued despite the fact that Karachi was not the capital of Pakistan anymore. Quota was needed to be redefined and this was not done by any ruler of Pakistan till Z.A. Bhutto came into the power and redefined the quota for each province separately.
بدقسمتيءَ سان سنڌ، ڪي پي ڪي، بلوچستان، آزاد ڪشمير جي ماڻهن کي ان ڪوٽا کان مُڪمل محروم ڪيو ويو هو ۽ اها حقيقيت به هئي ۽ ان جي ڊمانڊ وڌندي وئي ته صوبن جي اصلي باشندن کي به شريڪ ڪري اُنهن لاءِ علحده ڪوٽا رکي وڃي ڇو جو خاص طرح سنڌ جو شهر يا ٻهراڙي وارن علائقن جو ڊوميسائل ٺهرائي ٻيون قومون اهو سمورو ڪوٽا هڙپ ڪري ويو هُيون.۽ سنڌ، ڪي.پي ڪي ۽ بلوچستان جي ماڻهن ۾ محروميءَ جو عنصر وڌندو ويو.
But by August 1973, it emerged in its present form: [2]
ٽنهين صوبن جي وڌندڙ احتجاج ۽ گهرجُن جي پورائيءَ لاءِ پوءِ آگسٽ 1973 تي ڪوٽا سسٽم هن ريت ٻيهر رائج ڪيو ويو هو.
Merit 10% -10%
Punjab (including Islamabad) 50% +27%
urban Sind (Karachi, Sukkur, and Hyderabad) 7.6%
rural Sind (areas in Sind other than those above) 11.4%
NWFP (now KPK) 11.5%
Baluchistan 3.5%
Northern Areas and FATA 4%
Azad Kashmir 2%
اُن وقت ڪيلڪيوليٽيڊ ۽ ايتنڪ پاپوليشن هن ريت هُئي
According to Index Mundi the ethnic population as given below
Punjabi 44.68%
Pashtun (Pathan) 15.42%
Sindhi 14.1%
Sariaki 8.38%
Urdu Speaking 7.57%
Balochi 3.57%
other 6.28%
From the above statistics of the population on the basis of ethnicity, the current distribution of quota looks quite fair. Population of Punjab is 55% whereas it quota is 50% i.e. 5% less than its population.
[1] “Affirmative action Policies in Pakistan,” by Mohammed Wasim
[2] “Policies of Ethnic Preference in Pakistan,” by Charles H. Kennedy
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