پلان 1ي جي ناڪامي کان پو پلان بي ممڪن آهي اڄ کان شروع ٿيندو ۽ آخر ۾ پلان سي آرٽيڪل 6 وساري آخري اسٽيج تي رسڻ کان پهرئين مخدوم جاويد هاشمي پلان (اي) کي مُڪمل ناڪام ڪري ڇڏيو ۽ اُبتو ٽي وي تي حملي جي ڪري بغاوت جو مقدمو ڳچي ۾ پئجي ويو. تازين خبر موجب هاڻ پلان(بي) شايد اڄ کان شروع ڪيو ويندو ۽ ڌُر چينج ٿي ويندي، شيخ رشيد به هاڻ ڪنٽينر تبديل ڪندو ڏسڻ ۾ اچي پيو. پر جي اهو پلان (بي) به رحمان ملڪ جي مدد سان ناڪام ٿيو ته پلان (سي) استعمال ڪري جهموريت ويڙهڻ جي ڪوشش ڪئي ويندي جنهن سان يقينن فيڊريشن تي حملو ٿيندو. ۽ وفاق خطري ۾ هليو ويندو ، پر رٽائرڊ آفيسرن ۽ رٽائرڊ بيوروڪريسي کي اها ڳالهه سمجهه ۾ نه پئي اچي ۽ هُنن کي پاڪستان کي دا تي لڳائي مُشرف کي ڀڄائڻو آهي. پلان (سي) جا ڪاميابي به آرٽيڪل 6 جي ڪري ممڪن ناهي ۽ ان ڪري به ته اپوزيشن ۽ حڪومت، سول سوسائٽي، اڪثريتي عوام، جيوڊيشري، وڪيل ۽ سڀ جهموريت پسند هڪ صفحي تي آهن ماسوا ڪن خريد ڪيل چئنلن ۽ اُنهن جي اينڪرن جي. ڏسجي ته هاڻ پاڪستان ۾ ٻه مُتوازي سوچون هلنديون يا سڀ هڪ جهموري آئين هيٺ سڀ کان سپريم اداري (پارليامينٽ ۽ سينٽ) کي مڃي جهمور جو آواز سمجهي ٻُڌن ٿا جيڪي هن مُلڪ کي هلائڻ لا مهنگائي ۽ ٽيڪسن جي صورت ۾ ادائگي ڪندا آهن ۽ جن کي خوف آهي ته اُنهن جو ادا ڪيل ٽيڪس ڪٿي جهموريت کي ويڙهڻ لا ته استعمال نه پيو ٿئي. Please Do not underestimate / understand us (PUBLIC) Fool! We are more wise! PLAN (A) of Shaikh Raseed/PML-Q, Retired Officials others is UNFOLD NOW BY JAVED HASHMI, We would forsee PLAN (B) of series, may START SOON Perhaps FROM TODAY, IF FAILED to wrap democracy & Than FINNALY PLAN(C) WILL BE IMPLIMENTED TO ROLL DEMCRACY & AGAINST STATE. BEYOND UNDERSTANG WHCH IS IMPOSIBLE DUE ARTICLE 6 & UNITE PARLIAMENT (SENATE, NA, JUDICIARY, INSTITUTIONS, PUBLIC) Regret! The prejudice, anti democratic role of Some Private TV Channels (ARY News (Mubashir Luqman) Specially & DUNYA (Kamran), DAWN JAG TV's other Anchors & Hosts is not good & not acceptable and against the Strength of rest 3 provinces people, Federation of Pakistan & before the neutral viewers of TV, when seem prejudice/one sided 100% not neutral) and a clearly seems prejudice group, are just igniting the issue, against the democratic and federation strength, shall be banned. We may predict in circumstances they seem on Musharaf or Allied Pay role and responsible of todays worst situation being prejudice opinion holder & supporting PIT/PTA allied parties for their script only) for their (Musharf Release PLAN) and division Pakistan, Federation. Wanted to create chaos to back dictator Musharf or such other dictator to dominate over Civilian. Usually these TV anchors & Hosts (Perhaps doubtful today we may predict understand, some of them may be Son & Daughters of these or other few Retired Armed Forces Officials on Musharf Payroll, against the democracy and merged on few TV channels; Would Have been Neutral Question Raisers for All Political & Civilian Journalist or analyst or Thinkers rather being party & interrupt them when they start talk sensible or try give response to anti democratic group & these anchors do not give them time explain & to debate and achieve part of it; but only arranging and facilitating other anti democratic or Musharf Back group of some Retired Armed Forces Officials not talking sensible, prejudice seems Having Different, anti federation mindset & against the democratic institutions, against Voice of Civilian Peoples of Pakistan or democratic individuals or other 3 Provinces of Pakistan.